NB: for compatibility reasons, video fi les exported from the exterior cannot be read on the STEP
6. Picture in the selected fi le, press to switch to full screen
Slide your fi nger from right to left to go to the next picture
7. Press to move the fi les from internal memory to the SD card
8. Press to delete the entire selected directory
9. Files available on the current directory
10. Press to access the next fi les. Press the red cross to delete individually.
11. Back to the home page
e. Use of the RFID
Adding one or more user badges:
1. Pass badge
, 4 long beeps indicate the switch to programming mode
2 Pass all the
user badges to be activated, a short beep indicates the programming for each presented badge.
3. When all the badges have been programmed, wait for 10 seconds. A long beep indicates the end of the pro-
gramming process.
Deleting one or more user badges:
1. Pass badge
, 4 long beeps indicate the switch to programming mode
2 Pass all the
user badges to be deactivated, a short beep indicates the de-programming for each presented
3. When all the badges have been deactivated, wait for 10 seconds. A long beep indicates the end of the program-
ming process.
Deleting all the user badges:
1. Pass administrator badge
2 Pass 1 user badge
f. Access function
To open your electric latch or your portal, place a previously programmed user badge on the RFID reading zone for
1 second (outdoor station name holder (fi g.3-11). A short beep indicates the opening of the electric latch or
, 4 short beeps indicate the switch to administration mode
, a short beep indicates that all the user badges have been de-programmed.
EXTEL - CONTACT - 01/2018