Safety instructions
S Knowledge of the safety concepts of measurement
and automation technology is a requirement and as
project personnel, they must be familiar with these
S As measurement or automation plant operating per
sonnel, they been instructed how to handle the ma
chinery. They are familiar with the operation of the
equipment and technologies described in this docu
S As commissioning engineers or service engineers,
they have successfully completed the training to qual
ify them to repair the automation systems. They are
also authorized to activate, ground and label circuits
and equipment in accordance with safety engineering
Working safely
S The device must not be directly connected to the
power supply system. The supply voltage must be
between 12 and 30 V
S Error messages should only be acknowledged once
the cause of the error is removed and no further
danger exists.
S Automation equipment and devices must be designed
in such a way that adequate protection or locking
against unintentional actuation is provided (e.g. ac
cess checks, password protection, etc.).
S For those devices operating in networks, safety pre
cautions must be taken both in terms of hardware and
software, so that a line break or other interruptions to
signal transmission do not cause undefined states or
loss of data in the automation device.
A4243-1.0 HBM: public