The Aura control performs continuous system
checks to verify the correct operation of the
wheelchair. In the event that a fault is found,
the push support will be disabled for safety
reasons. The wheelchair's parking brake will
then automatically be activated.
In the event of faults the battery indicator will
start to flash. The number of flashing lamps
indicates the type of fault. See the table in
the 'Faults' chapter for the meaning. You can
resolve many of these faults by resetting the
1. Switch the push support off and wait 5
2. Then switch on the push support again.
If resetting does not help, or if the fault occurs
often, the wheelchair should be checked by
the dealer and may only be re-used if the
dealer considers that the system works well.
Unusual behaviour
If the push support's behaviour deviates from
the norm, and certainly if this negatively
influences the controllability of the wheelchair,
the push support may no longer be used. You
should switch off the push support. The push
support may only be re-used if the dealer
has checked the system and considers that
it works well.
Although the Aura push support has
been approved as capable of wit-
hstanding electromagnetic fields, it
is possible that the Aura's working is
influenced negatively by mobile and
Switch off push support
Battery empty
electronic equipment. In these kinds
of circumstances, switch the Aura off.
Never try to remedy faults yourself, but always
contact your dealer instead. Before you alert
the dealer you should first switch the system off
and on again (see Resetting). If this does not
remedy the fault, please contact your dealer
(do NOT try to remedy the fault yourself).
Meaning of fault reports on the battery
Under normal circumstances the Aura battery
indicator will indicate the battery charge level.
In the event of a fault, the battery indicator
will start to flash and the number of flashing
lamps indicates which fault has occurred.
A fault can be reset by switching the push
support off and on again after the cause of
the fault has been removed.