12.3.2. Wireless Network (WPS)
If you are using a router with WPS/QSS button, you may set up the network connection simple via
WPS function. Enter it and go to press the WPS/QSS button on your router within 120 seconds. The
connection between the router and the DR 422 will then be confi gured automatically.
12.3.3. Manual Confi guration
You can choose DHPC (which IP assigned automatically) or manually input IP address for wireless
network connection.
When you select manual setting for wired connection, the followings have to be entered:
SSID (the name of Access Point);
IP Address;
Subnet Mask;
Default Gateway;
Preferred DNS Server;
Alternate DNS Server.
You may choose (Manage) specifi c network if you have setup more than one network connection
within an area.
12.3.4. Check Network when Power On
"Enable / disable WiFi network":
When you enable the WiFi network, the system will automatically search the available AP. Select
your required AP.
Enter WEP or WPA code to connect the WiFi.
If the wireless network connection is not existed or failed, the icon at the top left corner will have a
cross on it.