Table des Matières


Liens rapides

Operator's Manual
Manual del Operador
100H, 300HV
Manuel de l'operateur
This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read this
book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your ALTO machine could
result in injury to you or to other personnel; damage to the machine or to other property could occur as
well. You must have training in the operation of this machine before using it. If your operator(s) cannot
read English, have this manual explained fully before attempting to operate this machine.
Si Ud. o sus operadores no pueden leer el Inglés, se hagan explicar este manual completamente antes
de tratar el manejo o servicio de esta máquina.
All directions given in this book are as seen from the operator's position at the rear of the machine.
For new books write to: ALTO U.S. Inc., 2100 Highway 265, Springdale, Arkansas 72764.
Form No. 70704A
Printed in the U.S.A.


Table des Matières

Sommaire des Matières pour Alto CLARKE BEXT-100

  • Page 1 100, ® Operator's Manual Manual del Operador 100H, 300HV Manuel de l'operateur Extractor's 230V READ THIS BOOK This book has important information for the use and safe operation of this machine. Failure to read this book prior to operating or attempting any service or maintenance procedure to your ALTO machine could result in injury to you or to other personnel;...
  • Page 2: Table Des Matières

    CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK Operator Safety Instructions .................. 5 Introduction and Machine Specifications ..............6 Controls and Machine Features ................12 How to Prepare the Machine for Operation .............. 14 Set-Up ......................14 -100 Control Panel ................16 ® -100H Control Panel ................18 ®...
  • Page 3 LEA ESTE MANUAL Este manual contiene información importante para el uso seguro de esta máquina. Si no lee este manual antes de la operación, reparación o mantenimiento de la máquina ALTO podría lesionarse Ud. u otros empleados; también podría dañar la máquina u otros bienes. Debe informarse acerca del funcionamiento de esta máquina antes de utilizarla.
  • Page 4 LISEZ CE MANUEL Ce manuel contient des informations importantes concernant l'utilisation et le bon fonctionnement de cette machine. Il est important de lire ce manuel avant d'utiliser la machine ou d'entamer toute procédure d'entretien ou de réparation sur votre machine ALTO ; le non-respect de ces indications pourra entraîner des blessures, à...
  • Page 5: Operator Safety Instructions

    OPERATOR SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA For the safe operation of this machine, read and understand all warnings and cautions. DANGER means: Severe bodily injury or death can occur to you or other personnel if the DANGER statements found on your machine or in your Owner's Manual are ignored or are not adhered to.
  • Page 6: Introduction And Machine Specifications

    OPERATOR SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) WARNING: Improper discharge of waste water may damage the environment and be illegal. The United States Environmental Protection Agency has established certain regulations regarding dis- charge of waste water. Also, city and state regulation regarding this discharge may be in effect in your area.
  • Page 7: Instrucciones De Seguridad Para El Operador

    INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL OPERADOR ADVERTENCIA AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA Para utilizar la máquina de manera segura lea y comprenda todas las advertencias y precauciones. PELIGRO que de no leer y respetar todas las advertencias de PELIGRO incluidas significa: en la máquina o en el presente manual Ud. u otros empleados podrían lesionarse gravemente o morir.
  • Page 8: Introducción Y Especificaciones Técnicas De La Máquina

    INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL OPERADOR (CONTINUACIÓN) ADVERTENCIA: La eliminación inadecuada de aguas residuales puede perjudicar al medio ambiente y ser ilegal. La Agencia de protección del medio ambiente de los Estados Unidos ha establecido ciertas reglamentaciones relacionadas con la eliminación de las aguas residuales. Además es posible que existan reglamentaciones municipales y estatales vigentes en su zona relacionadas con dicha eliminación.
  • Page 9 INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ POUR L'OPÉRATEUR WARNING AVERTISSEMENT ADVERTENCIA Pour le bon fonctionnement de cette machine, lisez attentivement tous les avertissements et indications. Des blessures graves ou la mort peuvent survenir à vous ou à d'autres DANGER signifie : membres du personnel si les indications de DANGER se trouvant sur votre machine ou dans votre Manuel du Propriétaire sont ignorées ou ne sont pas respectées.
  • Page 10 INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉ POUR L'OPÉRATEUR (SUITE) AVERTISSEMENT: Une évacuation impropre de l'eau usée peut être nocive à l'environnement et peut être illégale. L'Agence Américaine pour la Protection de l'Environnement a établi certaines régulations concernant l'évacuation des eaux usées. Des règlements au niveau municipal ou régional peuvent également être en vigueur dans votre localité.
  • Page 11 NOTES ® CLARKE TECHNOLOGY - 100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual Page 11...
  • Page 12: Controls And Machine Features

    CONTROLS and MACHINE FEATURES 1B 1A The Vacuum Motor Switches See Figure 1-A The vacuum motor switches are located on the top of the machine. The Switch To Activate The Pump See Figure 1-B The switch to start/stop the pump motor is on the top of the machine.
  • Page 13: Controles Y Características De La Máquina

    Relâchez le levier sur l'outil de sol pour de oprimir la palanca del accesorio para pisos. l'interrompre. NOTA: Mientras el modelo Bext-100 está en N.B.: Lorsque la machine BEXT-100 est en funcionamiento la bomba se apaga de manera fonctionnement, pompe s'éteindra...
  • Page 14: How To Prepare The Machine For Operation

    HOW TO PREPARE THE MACHINE FOR OPERATION To prepare the machine for operation, follow this proce- dure: 1. Connect the vacuum hose to the hose connector on the extractor and to the end of the vacuum tube on the floor tool. See Figure 1 D, E 2.
  • Page 15: Bext ® -100H Control Panel

    COMMENT PRÉPARER LA MACHINE AU PREPARACIÓN DE LA MÁQUINA PARA PONERLA EN FONCTIONNEMENT MARCHA Pour préparer la machine au fonctionnement, respectez Para preparar la máquina para la puesta en marcha siga la procédure suivante : este procedimiento: 1. Connectez le flexible d'aspiration au connecteur du 1.
  • Page 16 5. If the extractor removes an excess amount of foam from the carpet, add a de-foamer such as Clarkare ® De-foamer Concentrate to the recovery tank. The amount needed will vary according to the amount of detergent already in the carpet. CAUTION: To prevent damage, use a water-based de-foamer rather than an oil-based de-...
  • Page 17: Panel De Control Del Modelo Bext -100

    5. Si el extractor quita una cantidad excesiva de 5. Si l'extracteur retire de la moquette une quantité espuma de la alfombra, agréguele un excessive de mousse, ajoutez un antimousse desespumante, como el Clarkare ® De-foamer concentré tel que Clarkare® au réservoir de Concentrate, al depósito de recuperación.
  • Page 18: Bext

    ® -100 H Control Panel VAC 1 VAC 2 PUMP HEAT MODE Figure 5 HEAT MODE LIGHT ( 1 ): This light will only illuminate when the heater is heating and will turn off when it reaches operating temperature. VACUUM SWITCH ( 2 & 3): Each switch turns on one vac motor. turn both switches on for maximum lift.
  • Page 19: Panel De Control Del Modelo Bext -100H

    Panel de control del modelo B -100 H -100 H Panneau de contrôle ® ® CONMUTADOR ASP 1 POMPE CHAUFF. ASP 2 CONMUTADOR BOMBA CALENTADOR MODO MODE ASPIRACIÓN 1 ASPIRACIÓN 2 Figura 5 Figure 5 VOYANT MODE CHAUFFAGE (1) : Ce voyant ne s'illuminera que lorsque LUZ DEL MODO DEL CALENTADOR (1): Esta luz sólo se enciende cuando el calentador está...
  • Page 20: Extension Cords - 230V

    INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONNECTION TO THE POWER SUPPLY AND ELECTRICAL GROUND - 230 V CAUTION: This machine will operate only on an AC frequency and on the speci- fied electrical voltage shown on Pin Earthing Contact the nameplate. Make sure you have the correct frequency and voltage before connecting the power cord to an outlet.
  • Page 21 INSTRUCCIONES PARA LA CONEXIÓN A INSTRUCTIONS POUR UNE CONNEXION À LA ALIMENTACIÓN Y AL BORNE DE PUESTA L'ALIMENTATION ET À LA TERRE - 230V A TIERRA - 230 V ATTENTION: Cette machine ne fonctionnera PRECAUCIÓN: Esta máquina sólo funciona qu'à une fréquence CA et à la en la frecuencia CA y con el tension électrique spécifiée voltaje eléctrico específico...
  • Page 22: Machine Operating Instructions

    MACHINE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Area 1 See figure 8 How to Clean an Area of Carpet See Figure 8A Superficie 1. Vea la Figura 8 WARNING: Do not use water that is hotter than 120°F (48°C). Zone 1 Voir figure 8 To clean an area of carpet, follow this procedure: 1.
  • Page 23: Limpieza De Grandes Superficies Alfombradas

    INSTRUCTIONS D'OPÉRATION DE LA MACHINE INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL FUNCIONAMIENTO DE LA MÁQUINA Nettoyer une zone de la moquette Voir Figure 8A Limpieza de una superficie alfombrada. ATTENTION: N'utilisez pas d'eau d'une Vea la Figura 8A température supérieure à 48°C. ADVERTENCIA: No utilice agua cuya temperatura Pour nettoyer une zone de moquette, respectez la procédure supere los 120º...
  • Page 24: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE WARNING: Maintenance and repairs must be done by authorized personnel only. Keep all fasteners tight. Use only genuine Clarke Tech- nology parts. WARNING: Do not operate this machine un- less it is completely assembled. NOTE: For maintenance of the floor tools read the manual given with the tools.
  • Page 25: Mantenimiento

    MANTENIMIENTO ENTRETIEN ADVERTENCIA: El mantenimiento y las ATTENTION: L'entretien et les réparations reparaciones deben ser realizados solamente por doivent être réalisés par un personal autorizado. membre autorisé du Mantenga ajustados todos personnel uniquement. los sujetadores. Utilice solamente piezaoriginales Tenez toutes les fixations de Clarke Technology.
  • Page 26: How To Prevent Damage From Freezing Temperatures

    MAINTENANCE (CONT) How To Prevent Damage From Freezing Tempera- tures To prevent damage from freezing temperatures follow this procedure: 1. Use the vacuum hose to remove all the solution from the clean solution tank. 2. Connect the solution hose to the extractor and a floor tool.
  • Page 27: Medidas Para Evitar Los Daños Que Producen Las Temperaturas De Congelación

    MANTENIMIENTO ENTRETIEN Comment empêcher les dégâts provoqués par des Medidas para evitar los daños que producen las températures trop basses temperaturas de congelación Pour empêcher les dégâts provoqués par des Para evitar los daños que producen las temperaturas de températures trop basses, respectez la procédure congelación siga este procedimiento: suivante : 1.
  • Page 28: How To Check The Commutator And The Carbon Brushes

    MAINTENANCE (CONT) Maintenance Of The Motor This machine has a vacuum motor that uses carbon brushes. The carbon brushes in the motor must be checked every three months, or every 500 hours of operation, whichever comes first. If either of the brushes is shorter than 3/8 inch, replace both of the carbon brushes.
  • Page 29: Verificación Del Conmutador Y De Las Escobillas De Carbón

    MANTENIMIENTO ENTRETIEN Entretien du moteur Mantenimiento del motor Cette machine possède un moteur d'aspiration Esta máquina tiene un motor de aspiración que usa utilisant des brosses de carbone. Les brosses de escobillas de carbón. Debe revisar las mismas cada carbone dans le moteur doivent être contrôlées tous tres meses o cada 500 horas de funcionamiento lo les trois mois, ou après 500 heures d'opération, selon que suceda primero.
  • Page 30: How To Correct Problems In The Machine

    HOW TO CORRECT PROBLEMS IN THE MACHINE Problem Cause Action The machine will not run. 1. The machine has no power. 1. Make sure the machine is connected to the correct frequency and voltage, and all connec- tions are tight. Make sure the plug is in the electrical outlet.
  • Page 31: Corrección De Los Problemas De La Máquina

    CORRECCIÓN DE LOS PROBLEMAS DE LA MÁQUINA Problema Causa Medidas a tomar La máquina no funciona. 1. Compruebe que la máquina esté conectada a la 1. La máquina no tiene energía. frecuencia y voltajes correctos y que todas las conexiones estén bien ajustadas. Verifique que el enchufe esté...
  • Page 32 COMMENT CORRIGER DES PROBLÈMES DANS LA MACHINE PROBLÈME CAUSE ACTION La machine ne démarre pas 1. Assurez-vous que la machine est connectée à la 1. La machine n'est pas alimentée fréquence et à la tension correctes, et que toutes les connexions sont bien resserrées. Assurez-vous que les prises sont branchées.
  • Page 33 230V 100, 100H, 300HV ® Extractor Section II Parts and Service Manual (70704A) CLARKE TECHNOLOGY ® - 100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual Page 33...
  • Page 34: B -100 Assembly Drawing

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100 230V ® Assembly Drawing 2/03 ® Page 34 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 35: Parts List

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100 230V ® Assembly Drawing Parts List 9/03 Ref # Part No. Description Ref # Part No. Description 59721A Valve-Drain 52674A Latch, Strike 53606A Elbow-45 Degree, Drain 170040 Elbow, ¼ NPT 962929 Screw, 10-32 x 3/8 52675A PVC Reducer 52636A Latch, Recovery Tank 52676A...
  • Page 36: B -100H Assembly Drawing

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100H 230V ® Assembly Drawing 2/03 ® Page 36 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 37: Parts List

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100H 230V ® Parts List 9/03 Ref # Part No. Description Ref # Part No. Description 59721A Valve-Drain 962098 Screw, ¼ - 20 x 53606A Elbow-45 Degree, Drain 52840A Quick Disconnect 962929 Screw, 10-32 x 52672A Flange, Exhaust- Flange 52636A Latch 52673A...
  • Page 38: Ext -300Hv

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -300HV 230V ® Assembly Drawing 2/03 ® Page 38 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 39: Parts List

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -300HV - 230V ® Parts List 9/03 Ref # Part No. Description Ref # Part No. Description 59721A Drain Gate 53172A Quick Disconnect, Female ¼ PT 53606A Spout, Drain Gate 52839A Pressure Gauge 962929 Screw, 10-32 x , SS 52637A Sensor, Dual Cord 52636A...
  • Page 40: Bext ® -300Hv Assembly Drawing

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -150 Accessories ® Drawing & Parts List 1/03 WARNING : Do not use BEXT 100 accessories on heated units (B 100H & 300HV). ® Injury to operator or bystanders could occur. Damage to the machine could occur. Part No. Description 30108A Adaptor, 2"...
  • Page 41: Bext ® -100H Accessories

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY 100H and 300HV Accessories ® Drawing & Parts List 1/04 NOTE: indicates a change has been made since the last publication of this manual. Part No. Description 61395A 12" Wand 30496A Hose Asm., Solution 52544A Valve Body 52996A Nozzle, Spray 52469A Hose 15'...
  • Page 42: B -150/100 Connection Diagram

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -150 / 100 ® Connection Diagram 230V - 2/03 (Control Panel) BEXT-150C EXTRACTOR SWITCH PLATE 120V *NOTE: Switches sit upside down in switch plate. WHITE 10/03/01 ® Page 42 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 43: B -150/100 Wiring Diagram

  • Page 44: B -150H/100H Connection Diagram

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -150H / 100H ® Connection Diagram 230V - 2/03 (Control Panel) BEXT-150H EXTRACTOR SWITCH PLATE 120V *NOTE: Switches sit upside down in switch plate. BLACK 16 GA. WHITE 16 GA. 16 GA. “LOCATOR” “MODE” 14 GA. 10/10/01 ® Page 44 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 45: B -150H/100H Wiring Diagram

  • Page 46: B -300Hv Connection Diagram

    CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -300HV ® Wiring Diagram 230V BEXT-300HV EXTRACTOR SWITCH PLATE 120V *NOTE: Switches sit upside down in switch plate. BLACK 16 GA. WHITE 16 GA. 14 GA. “LOCATOR” “MODE” 16 GA. 10/10/01 ® Page 46 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 47: B -300Hv Wiring Diagram

  • Page 48 NOTES ® Page 48 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY -100, 100H, 300HV 230V Operator's Manual...
  • Page 49 ® ALTO PRODUCT SUPPORT BRANCHES U. S. A. Locations European Locations HEAD OFFICE PRODUCTION FACILITIES ALTO U.S. Inc., St. Louis, Missouri ALTO Danmark A/S, Aalborg 16253 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 200 Blytaekkervej 2 Chesterfield, Missouri 63017-1725 DK-9000 Aalborg +45 72 18 21 00 PRODUCTION FACILITIES ALTO Danmark A/S, Hadsund Industrikvarteret...
  • Page 50 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY LIMITED WARRANTY This Clarke Technology Industrial/Commercial Product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of one year from the date of purchase, additionally this product's heat exchanger, rotationally molded tanks, and main frame, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a Product Life Time, a period not exceeding 10 years maximum from the date of purchase when operated and maintained in accordance with Clarke Technology's Maintenance and Operations Instructions.

Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Bext 100hBext-300hv04149a04150a04151a

Table des Matières