Fabrics with this symbol are not ironable.
These fabrics include synthetic fabrics
such as Spandex or elastane, Spandex-
mixed fabrics and polyolefins (e.g.
polypropylene),but also prints on garments.
User manual
Les tissus avec les symboles suivants ne
sont pas repassables. C'est le cas des tissus
Fill the water tank with tap water. If you
synthétiques tels que l'élasthanne, des
live in an area with very hard water, fast
tissus comprenant de l'élasthanne et des
scale build-up may occur. In this case it is
polyoléfines (p.ex., du polypropylène), mais
recommended to mix 50% distilled water
également les impressions sur les vêtements.
and 50% tap water to prolong the lifetime
of your appliance.
Kain dengan simbol ini tidak dapat disetrika.
Kain ini antara lain adalah bahan sintetis,
Caution: Do not put hot water, perfume,
misalnya Spandeks atau elastan, bahan
vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids
campuran spandeks dan poliolefin (mis.
or other chemicals in your appliance.
polipropilena), juga cetakan di kain.
Specific types only
이런 기호가 있는 섬유는 다림질을 할
This steam generator is equipped
수 없습니다. 이 섬유는 스판덱스나
with Optimal Temp technology - no
엘라스테인, 스판덱스 혼합 섬유,
temperature adjustment required.
폴리올레핀(예: 폴리프로필렌)과 같은
Caution: Do not iron non-ironable fabrics.
합성 섬유뿐만 아니라 옷감에 새겨진
인쇄를 포함합니다.
Fabrics with these symbols are ironable,
Fabrik dengan simbol ini tidak boleh
for example linen, cotton, polyester, silk,
diseterika. Fabrik ini termasuk fabrik
wool, viscose and rayon.
sintetik seperti Spandex atau elastan, fabrik
Fabrics with this symbol are not ironable.
campuran Spandex dan poliolefin (seperti
polipropilena), tetapi juga corak pada pakaian.
These fabrics include synthetic fabrics such
as Spandex or elastane, Spandex-mixed
Os tecidos com este símbolo não podem
fabrics and polyolefins (e.g. polypropylene),
ser passados a ferro. Estes tecidos incluem
but also prints on garments.
tecidos sintéticos como spandex ou elastano,
To remove stubborn creases:
Press the steam boost button for extra-
ZH-T 有Spandex彈性纖維或Spandex彈性
tecidos com uma percentagem spandex e
poliolefinas (por exemplo polipropileno), mas
também impressões em peças de roupa.
เนื ้ อ ผ า ที ่ ม ี ส ั ญ ลั ก ษณ น ี ้ จ ะไม ส ามารถนำ า มารี ด ได เนื ้ อ ผ า ประเภทนี ้ ไ ด แ ก
ผ า ใยสั ง เคราะห เช น สแปนเด็ ก ซ ห รื อ อี ล าสเทน เนื ้ อ ผ า สแปนเด็ ก ซ ผ สม
และโพลี โ อเลฟ น (เช น โพลี โ พพิ ล ี น ) รวมถึ ง ภาพพิ ม พ บ นเสื ้ อ ผ า
Các loại vải có biểu tượng này không ủi được.
Chúng bao gồm các loại vải tổng hợp như
Spandex hoặc elastane, vải pha Spandex và
các loại vải polyolefin (ví dụ polypropylene)
và cả những hình in trên quần áo.