To remove stubborn creases:
- Press the steam boost button
for extra-strong steam output.
- Press the steam trigger twice quickly
User manual
for a high continuous steam output.
Fill the water tank with tap water. If you
live in an area with very hard water, fast
Pour éliminer les faux plis les plus tenaces :
scale build-up may occur. In this case it is
- Appuyez sur le bouton Effet pressing
recommended to mix 50% distilled water
pour un débit de vapeur ultrapuissant.
and 50% tap water to prolong the lifetime
- Appuyez rapidement deux fois sur la
of your appliance.
gâchette vapeur pour obtenir un débit
vapeur continu élevé.
Caution: Do not put hot water, perfume,
vinegar, starch, descaling agents, ironing aids
Untuk menghilangkan kusut yang membandel:
or other chemicals in your appliance.
- Tekan tombol semburan uap untuk
output uap yang ekstra kuat.
Specific types only
- Tekan pemicu uap dua kali dengan cepat
This steam generator is equipped
untuk output uap yang banyak dan terus-
with Optimal Temp technology - no
temperature adjustment required.
잘 펴지지 않는 심한 주름을 제거하려면,
Caution: Do not iron non-ironable fabrics.
- 순간 스팀 버튼을 눌러 더욱 강력한
스팀을 분사합니다.
Fabrics with these symbols are ironable,
- 스팀 버튼을 빠르게 두 번 눌러
for example linen, cotton, polyester, silk,
강력한 연속 스팀을 분사합니다.
wool, viscose and rayon.
Untuk menghilangkan kedut yang degil:
Fabrics with this symbol are not ironable.
- Tekan butang pancutan stim untuk output
These fabrics include synthetic fabrics such
stim tambahan yang kuat.
as Spandex or elastane, Spandex-mixed
- Tekan pencetus stim dua kali dengan
fabrics and polyolefins (e.g. polypropylene),
cepat untuk output stim yang banyak dan
but also prints on garments.
To remove stubborn creases:
Press the steam boost button for extra-
strong steam output.
Press the steam trigger twice quickly for a
high continuous steam output.
Caution: Hot steam is emitted from the
iron. Never attempt to remove creases
from a garment that is being worn. Do not
apply steam near your or someone else's
During ironing you can place the iron
Para eliminar vincos difíceis:
- Prima o botão do jacto de vapor para
uma saída de vapor extra forte.
- Prima o botão de vapor duas vezes
rapidamente para uma saída elevada de
vapor contínuo.
ในการขจั ด รอยยั บ ที ่ ร ี ด ยาก:
- ให ก ดปุ ่ ม เพิ ่ ม พลั ง ไอน สำ า หรั บ เอาต พ ุ ต ไอน ที ่ แ รงพิ เ ศษ
- กดปุ ่ ม ใช พ ลั ง ไอน สองครั ้ ง ติ ด กั น อย า งรวดเร็ ว สำ า หรั บ เอาต พ ุ ต
ไอน ต อ เนื ่ อ งพลั ง แรง
Để loại bỏ những nếp nhăn khó ủi:
- Bấm nút tăng cường hơi nước để có
lượng hơi nước mạnh hơn.
- Bấm nhanh nút bấm hơi nước hai lần để
có lượng hơi nước cao liên tục.
ZH-T 若要輕鬆熨平頑強皺摺:
- 按 下強力蒸氣按鈕,使用強力蒸氣輸出。
- 快 速按兩次蒸氣觸動器,使用高速連
- 按 蒸汽束喷射按钮可获得超强蒸汽喷射。
- 快速按两次蒸开关可获得持久强力蒸