[127 bytes]
To deactivate the radio frame sending, send this command with [TL] = 0.
Send Radio Frames 2
The MBWBLUE devices are bidirectional radio transceiver, thus, capable of sending radio frames,
also. The configured radio frame is sent after a radio frame from the respective consumption meter
has been received. It is possible to store up to five different frames addressing five different radio
NOTE: This command is only available with firmware version 3.17 and up.
NOTE: If the "Send Radio Frames" command has been used and is still active ([TL] not 0), then
the radio frames configured with Send Radio Frame 2 are inactive. Send the command "Send
Radio Frames" again with [TL] = 0 to deactivate the "Send Radio Frames" configured radio
NOTE: The length byte contains only the LSB of the real length (0x116) of this command.
Answer OK:
Answer Error:
A6 = version number
A7 = device type
If you have used one of the options which transmits always you can shut
down the process by sending this command with TL set to 0 (no data in
If you have chosen one of the options, which transmits if any frame is
received then the address field of the frame to send (byte 2 to byte 7) is
automatically replaced by the address field of the received frame.
Number of bytes to send (length of radio frame)
The radio frame to send. It must contain all CRC bytes but neither
preamble nor synchronization word. The radio frame is automatically
transferred to Manchester code for mode S2 and T2.
It is necessary to always send 127 bytes using this command. The length is
given by TL (see above). Not used bytes should be set to FF.
01 FE 16 4B IX NU CT RM DL S0 S1 S2 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 TL
[255 bytes] CRC CRC
01 FE 07 4B 00 CRC CRC
01 FE 07 4B FF CRC CRC
Index of configured radio frame to send [1..5]. Invalid IX are ignored.
How often the radio frame should be sent.
0: send always if a frame with the respective address has been received
1...255: send the radio frame 1 to 255 times
= transmit radio frame once if a frame
from the given address has been received
= transmit radio frame always if a frame
from the given address has been received
= transmit once if any frame is received
= transmit always if any frame is received
= transmit once immediately
= invalid