Fresh Meat Jerky Recipe
Using Jerky Seasonings to Make Jerky:
Jerky may be made from a variety of different meats. When selecting meats for making jerky, choose lean
meats with minimal fat, as fat tends to go rancid during storage. A lean flank steak or round steak makes
excellent jerky. Most lean meats will yield about 1 pound of jerky from every 2 pounds of fresh meat.
For Ground Meats:
Add both the spice mix and the cure mix of one Jerky Seasonings packet to one pound extra lean ground
beef, game, or poultry. For spicier jerky: add ¼ tsp. or more of cayenne pepper. For less spicy jerky, add ½
pound extra meat.
For Meats that are not Ground:
Remove all fat and cut into cubes or thin strips ¼" to
for jerky. If meats are cut on the cross-wise grain, jerky is less chewy than if meats are cut on the
lengthwise grain.
Mix Jerky Seasonings and ¼ cup water well and put mix and meat in plastic storage bag to marinate for 6
to 8 hours in the refrigerator before drying.
Helpful Hints
• Do not overlap strips on dehydrator trays. Leave room between strips for air flow.
• Dry jerky until it has a tough "leather" texture, but is not brittle. Do not interrupt drying process or meat
may spoil. For best results, rotate trays from top to bottom during the drying process.
• Depending on the thickness of the jerky strips, how much jerky is layered in the dehydrator and the
humidity, it will take from 4 to 10 hours to dry. Pat jerky with clean paper towels several times as it dries
to remove the oil which accumulates on the top of the jerky.
• After drying poultry, pork or fresh game, heat them in your oven at 160°F (71°C) for 30 minutes to avoid
the risk of salmonella.
• Wrap jerky in paper towels and let it stand for a couple of hours prior to packaging.
• Beef jerky that is stored on the shelf will start to go rancid at room temperature after three to four weeks.
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