Guidelines for the amount (weight) of fish food per day
You can use the table below to calculate how much food your fish need per day. For this, you must first calculate the total weight of
your fish in the pond. The easiest way to do this, is by converting the length of the fish to the weight.
Complete the table below and calculate the total weight of all your fish.
How much food (in percentage of body weight) a fish requires depends on a number of factors, such as water temperature, filter
capacity and water quality (NH
• At water temperature between 15-18°C: feeding per day should be about 1% of the total weight of the fish.
• At water temperature between 18-21°C: feeding per day should be about 1,5% of the total weight of the fish.
• At water temperature between 21-23°C: feeding per day should be about 2% of the total weight of the fish.
• At water temperature above 23°C: feeding per day should be about 3% of the total weight of the fish.
The filter must be able to convert all waste to maintain a biological balance and a healthy water quality. Regular testing of
Ammonia and Nitrite levels is necessary during the season. If these levels increase you will need to feed less.
The table is based on a water temperature between 21-23°C, in that case the amount of fish food per day is 2% of the total weight
of all fish in the pond.
40 cm
50 cm
60 cm
Total weight of all fish in the pond x 2% = amount of fish food per day
and NO
Fish size Approx weight Number of fish
15 cm
20 cm
30 cm
±60 g
x .........
± 125 g
x .........
± 350 g
x .........
± 1000 g
x .........
± 2000 g
x .........
± 4000 g
x .........
Total weight
= ......... g
= ......... g
= ......... g
= ......... g
= ......... g
= ......... g
......... g x 2%=......... g