Conditions on site
4.1 Ambient temperature
To obtain optimum measurement results, the nominal (rated) temperature
range must be observed. Constant, or very slowly changing, temperatures are
optimal. Temperature-related measurement errors are caused by heating on
one side (e.g. radiant heat) or by cooling. A radiation shield and all-round
thermal insulation produces noticeable improvements, but must not be al
lowed to set up a force shunt.
4.2 Moisture and humidity
Avoid extreme moisture or a tropical climate, if the values lie outside the clas
sified limits (degree of protection IP67 per DIN EN 60529).
Moisture must not be allowed to penetrate the free end of the connection
4.3 Air pressure
Air pressure changes act on the force transducer as a change in force. The
ambient pressure can lie between 0 and 5 bar. Please note that pressure
changes can shift the zero point.
Nominal (rated)
500 N
Max. variation of
0,065 0,032 0,016 0,006 0,003 0,006 0,003 0,002 0,001
zero point
[%/10 mbar]
4.4 Chemical effects
Dust, dirt and other foreign matter must not be allowed to accumulate suffi
ciently to divert some of the measuring force onto the housing, thus invalidat
ing the measured value (force shunt).
1 kN
2 kN
5 kN
10 kN
20 kN
50 kN 100 kN 200 kN
A0674-4.0 en/de/fr