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ROBBE CloudDancer Notice De Montage Et De Mise En Œuvre page 6


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  • FR

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  • FRANÇAIS, page 7
Read the speed controller instructions:
- Locate the speed controller receiver connector, and withdraw
the contact attached to the red wire. Insulate the bare contact to
avoid short-circuits.
- We recommend that you fit a suppressor filter in the speed con-
troller lead.
Fig. 67
- Stick pieces of Velcro tape to the receiver and the receiver bat-
tery, and fix them to the RC installation frame.
Deploy the receiver aerial as described in the instructions sup-
plied with your radio control system.
- Connect all the receiving system components, ready for use.
- No flight battery is required for the glider version. The receiver
battery should be installed permanently in the fuselage nose, as
shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 68
- Install the folding propeller blades.
- Place the canopy on the fuselage, slide it forward, then pull it
back. The wire retainer holes the canopy reliably on the fuselage.
Fig. 69, balancing
- The Centre of Gravity "C.G." for these models is in the region 110
- 115 mm, measured aft from the wing root leading edge.
- Assemble the model completely, and mark the CG on both sides
of the fuselage.
- Support the model at the marked points under the wing, adjacent
to the fuselage, and allow it to hang freely. When correctly balan-
ced, the fuselage will remain horizontal, with the nose inclined
slightly down.
- Add lead ballast to the fuselage nose until the aircraft balances
Take care to fix any lead ballast very securely, so that there is no
chance of it shifting in flight and altering the model's CG.
Checking the working systems: power system
- Switch the transmitter on, and move the throttle stick to the
"Motor stopped" position.
- Switch the transmitter on, then connect the flight battery.
- Hold the aeroplane in such a way that the propeller is free to
rotate. Caution: keep well clear of the rotational plane of the
propeller - injury hazard. This applies whenever you are wor-
king on the power system for assembly, maintenance and
adjustment work, as well as prior to launch.
- Note that the propeller blades unfold abruptly when the motor
starts turning.
© robbe Modellsport
Assembly and operating instructions
Cloud Dancer
- Check the direction of rotation of the motor: when viewed from
the front, the propeller must spin anti-clockwise. If this is not
the case - perhaps because you are using components other
than those recommended - you can reverse the direction of rota-
tion by swapping over any two of the three wires between motor
and speed controller.
- When you are satisfied, disconnect the flight battery from the
speed controller before switching the transmitter off.
Fig. 70: Checking the working systems, setting up the control
surfaces and airbrakes
Camber-changing flaps
Switch the transmitter on, then switch the receiving system on.
Check the neutral position of the control surfaces. Screw the clevi-
ses in or out to correct any discrepancy.
Now stand behind the model.
Check the direction of rotation of the servos.
If any control system operates in the wrong "sense" (direction rela-
tive to stick movement), correct it using your transmitter's servo
reverse function.
The next step is to adjust the control surface travels and mixer rati-
os. You will need to refer to the instructions supplied with your
radio control system at this stage.
Adjust the control surface travels to the values stated below:
Camber-changing flaps
x = 2 mm
x = 4 mm
Mixer, flaps as inboard ailerons:
x = 17 mm
x = 10 mm
Mixer, ailerons as flaps (full-span camber-changing flaps)
2 mm
4 mm
All these travels are measured at the inboard end of the control sur-
The stated control surface travels are only intended as a guideline
for the first few test-flights. Every pilot has his own preferences,
and will probably wish to fine-tune the settings.
You may well want to apply Expo to the control surfaces to suit
your personal preference.
- Ensure that the servos are able to move the airbrakes to both
end-points reliably, and engage the end-point locks. It is essen-
tial that the servos should not be mechanically obstructed (stal-
led) at any point in their travel.
Test-flying, flying notes
- Please read the sections entitled "Routine pre-flight checks"
and "Flying the model" in the Safety Notes before attempting
to fly your glider for the first time.
- Carry out a range-check before flying the model for the first time.
- The glider version can be test-flown at the slope.
- For slope-soaring seek out a ridge site with a steady wind blo-
wing directly onto the face.
- The electric glider should be test-flown from a flat field site, and
is suitable for hand-launching.
- Ask an experienced modelling friend to hand-launch the Cloud
Dancer for you. He should be capable of giving the model a rea-
sonably strong, flat launch.
- A take-off dolly can be used to facilitate launching. A suitable
item is available under Order No. 2519.
- Repeat the check of all the working systems.
- The aircraft must be launched directly into any wind.
- Once the model is in the air, check the response of the control
surfaces in turn. If necessary, increase or reduce the control sur-
face travels once the model is back on the ground.
- Check the operation and response of the airbrakes at a safe
- Take the glider up to a safe altitude before checking its stalling
- Keep the aeroplane's airspeed well above the stall speed for the
landing approach.
- If you needed to adjust the trims during the first flight, correct the
mechanical linkages (or adjust the servo centre setting) as soon
as the model is back on the ground. This enables you to centre
the transmitter trims again, providing full trim travel to both sides
of centre for subsequent flights.
robbe Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG
We reserve the right to alter technical specifications



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