Schematic diagram of the following
programming procedure
Heating ON 100 %
(3 sec.)
Heating ON 100 %
2 sec. = programming
Press the
UP button during the
programming phase
Switch off/on mains.
The IA receiver now remains in programming mode for
5 minutes.
Briefly press
the programm-
ing button P.
Press the ▲ button
within the first
2 sec. of the pro-
gramming phase
during the 100 %
heating cycle.
Programming the radio transmitter
Heating OFF
(Random duration)
2 min.
Heating OFF
(Random duration)
- 2 5 -
Press the DOWN
button during the
programming phase
Heating ON 50 %
2 sec. = programming
Heating ON 50 %
(3 sec.)
The radiant heater
switches between
100 % and 50 % of
its heating power for
2 minutes.
Heating switches
off for a short time.