;General info about the text tables:
Name of the table:!xx!
Separating character of the entries:, (comma)
Maximal 16 characters pro Entry
Warning:, do not forget(comma) after the last entry!
;-- Text table day of the week (WTG Su..Sa) 7 entries -------------------
;-- Weekday modus 1 entry ---------------------------------------
;-- Text table months (Jan..Dec) 12 entries -----------------------
;-- Text table season (Win,Sum,UTC) 3 entries ---------------------
;-- Text table season change announcement --------------------
;-- (no announcement, announcement) 2 entries
;-- Text table season status ---------------------------------------
;-- (0 = no announcement, winter
1 = announcement, winter
2 = no announcement, summer
3 = announcement, summer) 4 entries
;-- Text table AM/PM flag 2 entries -------------------------------
AM/PM flag=0 d.h. 00:00..11:59
AM/PM flag=1 d.h. 12:00..23:59
;-- Text table synchronization alarm 2 entries --------------------
synchronization ok
synchronization s-failure
;-- File End ---
;-- Name of the file (optional) ----
;nnn...File name, maximum 12 characters and a final
<CR>.The name can also be omitted, in this
case CTC 'NONAMEx.TEL'appears in the directory.
1) The name must stand AFTER the file end!EE!.
2) If a file with the same name is loaded on to the
CTC, such as one stored on the CTC, the stored one
;last line
;last line (guarantees a <CR> after the file name)
; 0 :0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday,...6 = Saturday
; 1 :1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday,...7 = Saturday
; 2 :6 = Sunday, 0 = Monday,...5 = Saturday
; 3 :7 = Sunday, 1 = Monday,...6 = Saturday
97 / 112