Wrap the used filter cartridge
or the cleaning material in the
safety glove to protect against
odours and oil.
Hold new filter cartridge by the
upper plastic part and screw in
by hand (max. 1.5 Nm).
Screw on the filter cup
The O-ring must fit correct-
ly in the O-ring groove and
be free from soiling.
The sealing edge of the filter cup
must not be damaged when the
filter is changed.
The used filter cartridge
and any cleaning materi-
al that occurs must be
disposed of in accordance with
the administrative regulations of
the respective country of use.
National regulations and laws
must be followed (in Germany
these are the Kreislaufwirt-
schafts- und Abfallgesetz (Re-
cycling Management and Waste
Law) and the respective munici-
pal waste management by-laws,
for example). In other countries,
the relevant regulations must be