Choir Master
button is pressed, the system moves to the next beat and starts playing it.
The tempo is determined by the frequency with which the [BEAT] button is
pressed. However, holding the [BEAT] button for a short while will cause the
next beat (and only the next) to be played at standard speed (if the current
tempo percentage is not 100%)This function can be helpful in case a song
reaches a fermata sign and must start at the original tempo afterwards.
In this case, when marking the beat ending with a fermata sign, hold the [BEAT]
button pressed.
Sometimes it might be helpful to shift the tempo by a certain percentage.
To do so, use the [SLOW] and [FAST] (standard value is 100%).
For example, in case the congregation tends to slow down, the tempo
can be increased, to keep up more easily. On the other hand, the tempo
can be slowed down at the end of the song to achieve an elegant
The [NOTE] button works with a similar rationale as the [BEAT] button. The
difference is, the [NOTE] button controls the advancement in terms of notes.
The user can choose each time the mode that best suits his needs. Often, the
[BEAT] mode is the most adequate. The [NOTE] mode is especially helpful to
switch the tempo (such as in a rallentando) with precision, one syllable at a
However, there is one case when only the [NOTE] mode can be used. When a
song's structure is not based on beats, such as in a Gregorian chant, the Choir
Master does not show measures or beats; instead, the display shows the words
"Cantus Planus" .
User Manual