W A L L I N S T A L L A T I O N / C E I L I N G I N S T A L L A T I O N
Please inspect the power supply cord to the heater and the
surface before installation. These must not show any signs of
1. Using the appropriate screws, position the bracket on the
ceiling or vertically on the wall, with the larger holes on the
upper side (see image).
2. Align the bracket in the desired location, and mark the drill
holes on the wall or ceiling. Now, drill the 6 holes.
3. Before installing the bracket, you will need to run the power
cord out of the wall or ceiling into the middle hole so that you
can later connect the LAVA
4. You can now secure the bracket using the appropriate
screws. (The appropriate screws will depend on the type of
wall or ceiling.)
5. You can now connect the device and slide it into the bracket.
First clip the device into position on one side before doing the
same on the other side. Then, press the device lightly onto the
bracket and slide it first to the right then downward (insertion
direction specified by the oblong hole).
ATTENTION: Screws and dowels are not included
in the scope of delivery and must correspond to the
construction material of the wall.
ARCUS infrared heating
device must not be mounted directly beneath a
wall socket.