SLC 500™ Modular Chassis
Install the Chassis Interconnect Cable (optional)
To connect up to three chassis together (for a maximum of 30 I/O slots), install the
chassis interconnect cable before attaching your power supply.
Install Your I/O Modules and Attach Your Power Supply
Use the installation instructions/user manuals for your modules to install them into
the chassis. Use the installation instructions for your power supply to attach it to
your chassis.
Publication 1746-IN016C-MU-P - December 2003
SLC chassis where
processor will be installed
• Keep the connector plug on the left side-connector of the
chassis if you are not connecting chassis together.
• Remove the protective label from the top of the power
supply before applying power.
Series B chassis have a 1M Ω resistor between logic ground and
chassis ground. When using a 1746-P3 power supply, follow the
grounding instructions provided with the power supply to avoid
unwanted potentials across the logic ground of the SLC