What do the lights mean?
Water treatment
The Dyson AM10 humidifer is treating the water. This takes 3 minutes.
When the animation stops, the Dyson AM10 humidifer will start to humidify.
Tank is empty
Switch 'OFF' and refill.
The base is not level.
Turn the Dyson AM10
humidifer into standby
mode/ "OFF". Unplug
from the mains
electricity supply. Wait
30 seconds. Plug the
Dyson AM10 humidifer
back in and switch
"ON" . If error persists,
please call the Dyson
If power button flashes
3 times when switching
on, check that the Dyson
AM10 humidifer has been
assembled correctly.
Turn the Dyson AM10
The Dyson AM10
humidifer into standby
humidifier is too cold.
mode/ "OFF". Unplug
Increase room
from the mains
temperature to 5°C or
electricity supply. Wait
above. If the problem
30 seconds. Plug the
persists, contact the
Dyson AM10 humidifer
back in and switch
"ON" . If error persists,
please call the Dyson
Blue light indicates
humidity mode.
Turn the Dyson AM10
Turn the Dyson AM10
humidifer into standby
humidifer into standby
mode/ "OFF". Unplug
mode/ "OFF". Unplug
from the mains
from the mains
electricity supply. Wait
electricity supply. Wait
30 seconds. Plug the
30 seconds. Plug the
Dyson AM10 humidifer
Dyson AM10 humidifer
back in and switch
back in and switch
"ON" . If error persists,
"ON" . If error persists,
please call the Dyson
please call the Dyson
White light indicates
fan mode.