The machine protections and safety devices must not be removed.
If they must be removed for extraordinary maintenance requirements some measures will have to be
immediately adopted ready to put in evidence and to reduce at the minimum possible limit the eventual
The replacement and the efficiency of the protection or of the safety device must happen when the reasons that
have made necessary their temporary removal are finished.
The machine is protected from a fairing, produced also with fixed protections, that doesn't allow the access to any dangerous
part of the machine, if not in the work front zone, protected from a interblocked moving shelter that recovers the bowl superior
part in motion and in the bowl back zone in motion, protected from a safety sensitive shaft (cfr. annexed).
Fixed shelters
Back and superior zone
Moving shelters
Front zone
Safety shaft
Left lateral zone
Tip-up head interblock
Front zone
Bowl interblock
Front zone
For what concern the fixed shelters, is specified that:
the fixed shelters sizes are such as not to leave openings in the protected dangerous working zone when are fastened in
the fixed shelters not welded permanently to the machine are fastened with screws that request the use of special
wrenches (allen spanners) and can be removed, with the suitable wrench, only from the maintenance responsibles;
the access to the places protected from a fixed shelter is allowed only from the maintenance man. For any occasion, the
operator must not ever try to open a fixed shelter;
it isn't possible to reassembly a shelter in wrong position so as to leave in the fairing dangerous openings;
if the shelters aren't fastened in their seats, with the appropriate special screws, cannot remain apparently closed and
supported in that seat for lack of the fastening elements.
In the dimensioning and in the choice of the shelters and of safety devices, the people accessibility of equal age or oldest of
14 years is taken into consideration.
For all safety functions including the control and check systems parts connected to the safety, with reference to the safety
category 1, components, safety principles and well-tested components have been used.
10-2009-IMPASTATRICE-ART 2700-A5.doc
In the back and superior zone, to avoid the contact with the movement
transmission devices, some fixed shelters are present in steel sheet metal with
thickness not inferior to 2mm (cfr. Annexed)
In the front zone, to avoid the tool reaching within the bowl, it is present an
interblocked moving shelter full in transparent material or in steel grid that
recovers the bowl superior part in movement. With the interblocked moving
shelter opening, the safety micro switch, driven mechanically and in positive
opening, determines the tool and bowl movement stop (cfr. Annexed)
In the left lateral zone, to avoid the hand conveying during the bowl rotation, it is
present an interblocked safety shaft in steel. With the interblocked moving shelter
opening, the safety micro switch, driven mechanically and in positive opening,
determines the tool and bowl movement stop (cfr. Annexed)
In some models, the machine head can be tipped up allowing the tool change, the
bowl removal and the loading/unloading of the food product. During the head
lifting, the safety micro switch, driven mechanically and in positive opening,
determines the tool and bowl movement stop (cfr. Annexed).
In some models, the machine bowl can be removed allowing the food product
unloading. As soon as the bowl is rotated in anticlockwise, the safety micro switch
determines the machine STOP maintenance (cfr. Annexed).