Assembly and Maintenance Instructions
Our forged steel Parallel Vice System HEUER is a high quality product. By following the correct
assembly and maintenance, it will give decades of reliable service.
1. Assembly
a) The vice must be assembled on the work-
bench in such a way that the clamping jaw on
the fixed rear clamp projects vertically over
the front of the workbench. This ensures that
the benefit of the large side span depth when
clamping long work pieces vertically in front of
the work bench can be fully exploited.
b) The best way of securing the vice is to use
clearance bolts and nuts. The bolt holes should
be carefully marked and drilled about 2 mm
larger than the bolt diameter. When the bolts
are pushed through the vice and workbench,
they must never be tight or skewed in their
c) At the start of the assembly, the two vice
jaws must be firmly clamped together. Before
the bolts are inserted and tightened, it is es-
pecially important to ensure that the vice
does not rock, but sits flat and square on the
workbench. The four fixing screws should be
uniformly tightened, using a crosswise tight-
ening sequence, especially when fixing the
vice to a softer material such as wood. If the
base of the vice does not sit flat and square, or
the bolts become skewed or wedged due to un-
even tightening, the vice will bind and/or move
jerkily, and the guides will one-sided burden...
2. Maintenance
a) In the final stages of manufacture the
guide surfaces are, if necessary, carefully
cleaned to remove any traces of paint over
spray, and are then newly lubricated with
light machine oil. This cleaning and oiling of
the guide runners should be repeated as of-
ten as required. However, the side location of
the guide runners generally provides excel-
lent protection from both dirt and damage.
b) Despite the good protection afforded to the
spindle, it is still recommended that the spin-
dle threads and the spindle nut are cleaned
and re-greased every two years. To carry
this out, the adjustment screw for the guide,
that simultaneously restricts the opening
width, must first be removed. After the spin-
dle has been unwound from the spindle nut,
the movable front portion of the vice can be
removed on its own. The spindle threads and
spindle nut should be thoroughly cleaned
using a suitable de-greasing fluid, and then
re-greased. At the same time, the inner guide
surfaces of the fixed portion of the vice can
be cleaned. It also helps re-assembly of the
movable portion if a few drops of oil are ap-
plied to the spindle head and pressure ring
in the spindle housing. Re-assembly is the
reverse sequence of disassembly.
3. Replace the spindle (see fig. on page 15)
i.e. the spring assembly using HEUER bench
vice. Firstly, the pressure ring must be pressed
against the compression spring in the front
jaw hole. To do this, an angle iron or another
suitable object is clamped between the cover