Every time when emergency situation occurs you should:
● switch off the working assemblies of the plate
● disconnect power supply
● call in the service
● as some minor faults can be removed by the user in accordance with the be low specified
instructions, before calling the Customer Service please go thro ugh the Table checking
every point.
1.The appliance is not wor-
2.Residual temperature in di-
ca tor is not lighted although
the hot pla tes are still hot
3. Crack in the ceramic
4. If the fault still remains
- power supply failure
- power supply fa ilu re, the
ap plian ce has been di scon-
nec ted from the mains
Danger! Immediately disconnect the ceramic plate
from the mains (fuse) and call the nearest Cus-
tomer Service Centre.
Disconnect the ceramic plate from the mains (fuse)
and call the nearest Customer Service Centre.
You are the person responsible for proper condition and
operation of the appliance in your household. If you call
the Service for a fault which resulted from improper opera-
tion, you will be charged with the costs of the visit even
during the period of warranty. We shall not be held liable
for damages caused by a failure to observe this Manual.
-check the in-house electric
sys tem fuse, replace if ne-
ces sa ry
-the residual temperature in-
di ca tor will work again after
swit ching the control panel
on and off.