Chocolate storage: tips
Chocolate, like wine, needs to be stored in special conditions in order to restore all its aromas
during tasting. If chocolate is not consumed immediately, it may bleach if stored below 15 ° C
(refrigerator, for example) and soften over 19 ° C (room temperature). In both cases, it loses its
flavor, complex structure unravels. Sugar, with cold, and fat, with heat, rise to the surface of the
chocolate. Direct light or a high humidity level (above 70%) can also cause irreversible aromatic
The chocolate cellar La Sommelière ensures ideal conditions for the conservation and preserve all
the taste of your chocolates: steady adjustable temperature to the nearest degree, humidity
levels below 70%, UV-resistant glass, air circulation, all in a compact design and setting.
What is the ideal storage temperature?
The ideal temperature by consensus to keep the chocolate is about 18 ° C but recommended
chocolatiers temperatures vary between 12 ° C and 18 ° C depending on the type of chocolate. It
is not ideal to expose to temperatures of a refrigerator and freezer is totally prohibited.
Moreover, the chocolate does not like temperature changes, we recommend that you leave the
basement only consume chocolates you think. Indeed, the temperature inside your basement can
range from one or two degrees only that will have no effect of deteriorating quality of your
What is the ideal humidity conservation?
The chocolate should not be stored in a high humidity environment, maximum 70% humidity in
the air, or suffer irreversible losses aromatic.
What other recommendations of conservation?
Ideally and for long-term preservation, it is preferable to keep the chocolate in its packaging / her
original box. If you want to present the chocolates on the shelves for a tasting (or simply for the
pleasure of eyes!), we advise you to put a sheet of greaseproof paper (parchment paper).
The chocolate should also be kept away from external odors which could soak. It should also be
kept away from light. Sealed and treated with a UV glass door, your chocolates will be safe in your
How long will keep the chocolate?
Dark chocolate keeps better than white or milk chocolate. A standard quality dark chocolate can
be kept for one year; high quality chocolate can be stored up to 1 year and a half. Milk chocolate
or white chocolate keeps between 6 and 8 months. Beyond the chocolate loses its taste.