Fig. 2
Variant: PumpFast Premium for round plastic tank
• O pen the lowering throttle of the hand pump to allow possible pressure in the system to escape.
• A ssembly of the 3-part stainless steel housing including the pump unit on the drawbar of the car
trailer – lead the oil line out of the housing over the drawbar (see Fig. 2).
• D rain the hydraulic oil from the hydraulic oil tank.
• D ismantling the hydraulic tank.
• D rill through the plastic tank on the bottom using the supplied drill in a flattened position on the
tank. Do not widen the borehole to ensure a good seal.
• Insertion of the tank bushing:
• • S crew the tank lead-through including the O-ring into the tank from the outside.
• • Position the clamping nut and tighten with a torque of 25 Nm.
• M ount the plastic tank on the hand pump.
• S crew the additionally supplied hydraulic hose into the tank lead-through.
• S crew the hydraulic pump into the oil drain screw of the hydraulic tank.
• S crew the T-piece into the existing hydraulic line.
• T ighten the loose hydraulic screw connections.
• F illing in the hydraulic oil (low-viscosity hydraulic oil is more suitable for the PumpFast pump unit
in cold temperatures).
• P rovide the pump and drive shaft with additional anti-corrosion agents on salty roads.
• A void water deposits on the sealing ring of the drive shaft.
• W hen the system is pumped up for the first time, there may still be air in the system;
this escapes when the system is pumped up several times.
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