The groove is too narrow or too
The groove zigzags
The groove is not parallel to the surface
of the tube end
The groove diameter is not uniform
throughout the entire circumference
of the tube
The countersinking at the end of
the tube is too large
The tube slides or slips in the lathe
The tube is coming out
There is no pressure in the hydraulic
cylinder When actuating the pump
handle nothing happens
The piston advances when actuating
the cylinder handle however recedes
when releasing the handle
Insufficient hydraulic cylinder pressure
Possible cause
The roller set does not correspond
to the tube diameter
The tube has not been cut square
The tube is elliptic
The roller set does not correspond
to the tube diameter
The deviation angle of the tube is
too large
The tube support is too large
The operator is making the upper
roller advance too rapidly
The lathe screw fluting is blocked
by metal, worn or flat
The upper roller is advancing very
Inappropriate direction and height
of the tube support
Rough surface of the steel tube
Insufficient hydraulic oil
Dirty oil is blocking the orifice
Oil is leaking from the valve
Dirty oil is blocking the orifice
Oil is leaking from the valve
Oil is leaking from another point
The relief valve spring is broken
Replace the roller set for one which
corresponds to the tube diameter
Cut the tube square
Use a circular tube
Replace the roller set for one which
corresponds to the tube diameter
Adjust the tube deviation to 0
Adjust the tube support height to
obtain a deviation in degrees below
the horizontal plane
Reduce the pumping speed (refer to
the relevant operating instructions)
Clean or replace the lathe screw
Make the upper roller advance
more rapidly inside the tube
Vary the direction and height of the
tube support
Polish the surfaces
Add hydraulic oil
Replace the hydraulic oil and clean
the circuit
Remove the screw and springGently
hit the small steel ball to make it
come out
Replace the hydraulic oil
Remove the screw and spring
Gently hit the small steel ball to
make it come out
Locate the problem and correct
Replace the safety valve