User defined on-grade level:
An arbitrary level within -10 and +40mm around the Centre notch
can be used as on-grade level. The user defined on-grade level is
set by pressing the accuracy button for two seconds while the de-
vice is in the laser beam. If successful, you will hear a confirmation
beep and an asymmetric arrow symbol is shown on the display.
Outside the allowed area you will hear an error beep and error code
E30 is shown. When the accuracy button is pressed for two sec-
onds while out of beam, the on-grade level is reset to default. If the
device is switched off, the on-grade level is automatically reset to
Using the menu
The menu functions can be used to edit various options. For most
applications the factory defaults are best choice. We recommend to
change settings only in special applications.
Pressing the audible signal / ENTER button for more than two
seconds enters the menu functions.
Menu items (e.g. SEn) are shown non-flashing and may be
browsed by using the arrow up / down buttons.
Menu items are selected by pressing the audible signal / EN-
TER button.
Item values (e.g. On) are shown flashing and may be browsed
by using the arrow up / down buttons.
Exit the Menu by pressing the On / Off button.
Menu Entries:
SEn - Sensitivity: Hi(gh) / Low
Default: High. Set it to Low if you have problems with disturbing
sources like fluorescent or strobe lights.
AvG - Averaging: Hi(gh) / Low
Default: Low. Set it to High if you need to have more stable read-
ings under difficult atmospheric conditions.
Unt - Unit: mm / cm / in(ch) / f(ract). in(ch)
Default: mm. Choose desired numeric elevation display unit.