Whenever the lamp is replaced, the unit hour meter must be reset. To do this, reconnect the
system with the switch on the front of the control panel, and proceed as follows:
To access the "Configuration" screen, press the "Diagnostics" button. The system accesses the diagnostic screens both
of the electronic ballast and the UV lamp power circuit discussed in Section 6.6.
Pressing the navigation key at the top right of the screen, you will access to the "Lamp Reset" screen. In the case of
multiple-lamp systems (MP450), the screen corresponding to the lamp replaced should be selected. Perform this
procedure on all the screens, in the case of replacing all the lamps of the unit.
This screen allows to reset the operation hour meter and the number of ignitions of the lamp each time it is replaced by
a new one.
To do this, click on the activation code and using the pop-up keyboard, enter the code "1234".
Press the "Reset" key to confirm.
The timer will now show "0".
7.3. Chemical cleaning / replacement of the quartz sleeve
You should check at least ONCE A YEAR, the quartz sleeve does not contain any kind of deposit on its surface (lime, iron,
manganese, organic matter, etc.).
In any case, clean the quartz sleeve EACH TIME YOU REPLACE THE LAMP.
1.- Follow the procedure described in Section 7.1 to remove the lamp inside the quartz sleeve.
2.- During the cleaning process of the sheath to ensure that the lamp has been placed in a safe place to keep your surface is dirty or broken.
Always handle the UV lamp with gloves, as fat and other impurities deposited on the surface
may reduce its performance and durability. In case you have to clean the lamp surface use a
soft cloth soaked with alcohol.
3.- Using the back of the Teflon cap, carefully push the quartz sleeve from one end and slide it smoothly until the O-ring on that side is
4.- Completely extract the lamp holding it from one of the ceramic ends, so that it does not suffer any stress.
5.- Carefully remove the O-ring on that side of the quartz sleeve.
6.- If it appears that the sleeve is completely transparent, place it again in its housing as described below.