Sur la route avec HTC Car
Now when you drive, you can easily use HTC One V to reach your destination, keep
you entertained, and help you stay in touch with the people that matter to you. Vous
pouvez accéder facilement à votre musique, des cartes, des services de navigation et
vos appels téléphoniques avec HTC Car.
1. HTC Car instantly launches when you mount HTC One V in HTC Car Kit or
connect to your specified Bluetooth device.
2. On the HTC Car main panel you can:
§ Swipe left or right to go to the other panels such as Music or People.
§ From the main panel, tap a shortcut to do something right away. For
example, tapping the Music shortcut immediately plays the last song you
were listening to.
When using HTC Car, return to the main panel from any screen by tapping
HTC Car vous permet de retourner facilement en mode téléphone normal. C'est aussi
simple que s'éloigner de sa voiture.
§ When HTC One V detects that HTC Car Kit or the specified Bluetooth device is
no longer connected, HTC Car will automatically exit.
§ You can also manually close HTC Car by pressing
Faire jouer de la musique dans HTC Car
1. Depuis le panneau principal, effleurez l'écran vers la gauche jusqu'à ce que vous
voyiez le panneau Musique.
2. Slide up from the bottom of the screen. You can then browse music by category
or search your collection.
from the main panel.