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Do not use your bare hand as a supporting %XKDUODPD \DSDUNHQ o×SODN HOLQL]L GHVWHN surface when you steam. Pull the garment \]H\L RODUDN NXOODQPD\×Q .XPD × ELU tight at a point away from direct steam QRNWDGDQ V×N×FD oHNHUHN GR UXGDQ EXKDUD PDUX] NDOPDV×Q×...
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When steam is ready, direct the steam away The steaming process can create small wet for a few seconds before you begin your spots in the garment. The garment may also session, as the initial steam may contain be slightly damp due to the steam. If there are any water droplets on the After your session, leave your garment out steamplate, wipe it off with a cloth before...
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Your appliance has been designed to be &LKD]×Q×] PXVOXN VX\X\OD NXOODQ×OPDN ]HUH used with tap water. In case you live in an WDVDUODQP× W×U <D DG× ×Q×] E|OJHGHNL VX oRN area with very hard water, fast scale build-up VHUWVH N×VD ELU VUH LoLQGH NLUHo ELULNLPL may occur.
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The light goes on when the steamer is plugged in. Le voyant s’allume lorsque le défroisseur est branché $ OX] DFHQGHVH TXDQGR D ÀFKD GR vaporizador é ligada. %XKDU UHWLFLQLQ À L SUL]H WDN×OG× ×QGD × ×N \DQDU \DNOD ×N 4239_000_8851_2_Picture Rich_A5_v2.indd 9 3/5/14 8:34 AM...
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You can dewrinkle garments more easily dDPD ×UODU× \×NDG×NWDQ VRQUD G]JQ ELU if you spread the laundry properly after HNLOGH \D\DUVDQ×] NXPD ODU×Q N×U× ×NO×NODU× you have washed it. Hang the garments on GDKD NROD\ Do×ODFDNW×U 'DKD D] N×U× ×NO×NOD hangers to dry them with fewer wrinkles.
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)RU VKLUWV ZLWK EXWWRQV FORVH WKH ÀUVW EXWWRQ RQ .XPD ×Q G]HOPHVLQH \DUG×PF× ROPDN LoLQ the collar to help straighten the fabric. J|POHNOHULQ \DND N×VP×QGDNL LON G PHOHULQL ilikleyin. )RU ODUJH DQG ÁDW VXUIDFHV RI WKH JDUPHQW SUHVV the steamer head against the fabric to get better .XPD ODU×Q JHQL YH G] \]H\OHULQL results.
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When you are steaming, press the steamer head against the fabric and move it downwards. At the same time, pull the fabric with your other hand. Lorsque vous défroissez des vêtements à la vapeur, appuyez la tête du défroisseur contre le tissu et déplacez-le vers le bas.
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To steam sleeves, start from the shoulder area and move the steamer head downwards. Pour défroisser les manches, commencez par la partie de l’épaule et déplacez la tête du défroisseur vers le bas. Para vaporizar mangas, comece na área dos ombros e desloque a cabeça do vaporizador para baixo.
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When you steam dresses, gently pull the (OELVHOHUH EXKDUODPD \DSDUNHQ NXPD × sides of the dress to straighten the fabric. G]HOWPHN LoLQ HOELVHOHUL \DQODU×QGDQ oHNLQ With the other hand, make downward 'L HU HOLQL]GH WXWWX XQX] EXKDU UHWLFL strokes with the steamer head. ED O×...
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.HHS WKH VWHDPHU KHDG D VOLJKW GLVWDQFH DZD\ IURP GUHVVHV ZLWK IULOOV UXIÁHV UXFKLQJ or sequins In this case, use only the steam to loose the fabrics. Maintenez le défroisseur à une certaine distance pour les robes ornées de volants, de ruches, de paillettes ou les robes plissées.
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The brush attachment improves steam XQ UpVXOWDW SOXV UDSLGH (OOH HVW GHVWLQpH j penetration into thick and heavy fabrics for être utilisée lorsque l’appareil est branché sur le secteur. Brossez légèrement le faster results. It is meant to be used when the appliance is connected to the mains.
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Clean the appliance and wipe any deposits Nettoyez l’appareil et essuyez les dépôts off the steamer head with a damp cloth and de la tête du défroisseur avec un chiffon a non-abrasive liquid cleaning agent. humide et un détergent liquide non abrasif. Note: Never use scouring pads, abrasive Remarque : n’utilisez jamais de tampons à...
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Always empty the water tank after use. Videz toujours le réservoir d’eau après utilisation. (VYD]LH VHPSUH R GHSyVLWR GD iJXD DSyV cada utilização. +HU NXOODQ×PGDQ VRQUD VX KD]QHVLQL ER DOW×Q 4239_000_8851_2_Picture Rich_A5_v2.indd 18 3/5/14 8:34 AM...
Problem Possible cause Solution The steamer does not The steamer has not heated up Let the steamer heat up for approx. 45 seconds produce any steam. before using it. VXIÀFLHQWO\ You have not pressed the steam trigger fully. Press the steam trigger fully. The water level in the water tank is 8QSOXJ WKH VWHDPHU DQG UHÀOO WKH ZDWHU WDQN too low.
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Problema 3RVVtYHO FDXVD Solução O vaporizador não produz O vaporizador ainda não aqueceu o Deixe o vaporizador aquecer durante aprox. vapor. 45 segundos antes de o utilizar. VXÀFLHQWH Não premiu o botão de vapor Prima totalmente o botão de vapor. totalmente.