Figure 6. Installing a toggle bolt wall anchor.
Install TOGGLER ® SNAPTOGGLE ® toggle bolts at all loca-
tions with a 1/2-inch hole. To do this:
Hold the toggle bolt metal channel flat alongside the plastic
straps. Slide the metal channel through the 1/2-inch hole.
Hold the ends of the straps between thumb and forefinger
and even them out. Pull the entire toggle bolt toward you
until the channel rests flush behind the wall. Slide the plas-
tic cap along the straps with the other hand until the flange
of the cap is flush with the wall.
Place a thumb between the straps at the wall. Push the thumb
side to side, snapping off the straps level with the flange.
U.S. Patent No. 6,161,999 and foreign counterparts thereof
and of U.S. Patent No. 4,650,368. TOGGLER and its type-
face and SNAPTOGGLE are worldwide registered trademarks
of Mechanical Plastics Corp. For further technical information
on these anchors, visit
Figure 7–8. Attach the stand to the wall using 4 screws. Install the
Hold the bracket at the mounting location.
Install the 10-24 x 1.25-inch machine screws in any loca-
tions where toggle bolt wall anchors were placed.
Install a lag screw and washer at any location where a stud
was found.
With the help of an assistant, line up the Stage X speak-
er with the mounted bracket and attach it using the two
large knobs.
IMPORTANT! There should be four press fit wash-
ers—two attached to the bracket and two attached
to the speaker cabinet. When correctly installed these
washers should be flush next to each other between
the bracket and speaker cabinet.
Stage X