HSI 150-K2-Varia
Preparing to install the system cover / system seal:
Do not open the closing cover of the cable entry until just before installing the cable.
Observe the installation instructions for the system cover.
Any cable entries that are not required may be used as pressure-tight back-up entries if
there is an undamaged Hauff quality seal on the closing cover.
Do not knock the closing cover in with a hammer or sharp object!
Open cable entries, which are to be used as back-up entries, or closing covers which have
been opened accidentally, should be fitted with new HSI 150-D closing covers.
Do not reuse uninstalled or damaged closing covers!
Removing closing covers
Remove protective foil from the cable entry present (af-
ter warming slightly).
If necessary, clean out concrete residue from the spanner
threads on the black closing cover.
Use the SLS 6G(D) flexible socket wrench to open the
closing cover via the wrench threads by twisting to the
You can then install the appropriate system covers.
Open carefully! Water pressure possible inside the cable entry when having a unilateral
duct connection.
Please observe the appropriate installation instruction for system covers/ system sealings.
Service telephone +49 7322 1333-0
As indicated in the instructions for use, our products have been designed exclusively for in-
stallation in buildings made from state-of-the-art construction materials. We do not accept
liability for use deviating from or beyond this unless our express written confirmation has been
obtained in advance.
Subject to changes.