If the CST input is not used, shortcircuit it to terminal no.11. If you power the external
safety devices by using 24VSIC output (terminal n° 22), their proper working is tested be-
fore each gate operation.
Messages shown on the display
203RR control board allows you to visualize on the display several messages concerning its working
status and any malfunction:
Gate is closed
Gate is open
Opening under way
Closing under way
While in step-by-step mode, the control board awaits further instructions after a start command
Stop command received
Cst activated while working in barrier mode
They point out that the gate has
- (Err1), the max allowed number of re-
versals (50) without ever reaching the
end of stroke (or stop) while closing;
- (Err2) the max number of uninter-
rupted operations (10) of the anti-
crush safety device;
therefore an "emergency operation" is
under way: the control board sets the
motors at a slow speed and searches
the stops (or ends of stroke) in order to
reset the positioning system. Once the
stops (or ends of stroke) while closing
are found again the message disap-
pears and the control board awaits
further instructions "----" and then
resumes working normally.
External photocells and/or safety devi-
ces are activated or out of order
The motors are not connected or si-
gnals control board failure
Possible motor overheating due to
obstacles hindering the gate/door
movement. The control board does
not respond to instructions
Operating instructions and warnings
Possible solutions
In case the gate is not properly closed after the
emergency operation (maybe because of false
stops or obstacles due to mechanical frictions),
proceed as follows:
- Disconnect the power supply, check manually that
no particular frictions and/or obstacles are present
during the complete stroke of the gate/door. Leave
the gate/door half-open.
- Connect the power supply again and subsequen-
tly give a start pulse. At this point the gate/door will
start to close at slow speed until reaching the stop
(or end of stroke). Make sure that the gate opera-
tion is properly completed. Adjust force and motor
speed values, if needed.
If the gate keeps working improperly repeat the
motor stroke memorization procedure (see para-
graph 8.2)
Make sure that all safety devices and/or photocells
installed are working properly.
Make sure that the motors are properly connected.
If the message reappears change the control board.
Remove any obstacle and wait until the message
"Err6" is replaced by message "bLOC" and the
control board responds to instructions again (a few
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