System Description
Regenerative blowers
Dustcontrol's turbopumps are regenerative blo-
wers. TPR has two impellers that are connected
for parallel fl ow. The impellers rotate in the blower
housing through extremely low tolerances. The
pump cannot tolerate contaminated airfl ow. TPR
compresses air and it is therefore natural that it
becomes hot while running.
Cooling air
Turbopumps with TPR designation are parallel
connected two stage belt driven units. Cooling air
is bled into the pump through a vacuum relief valve
which is adjustable. The vacuum pressure in the
system is thereby maintained at a constant level
even if the airfl ow changes.
The motor and vacuum relief valve receive cooling
air from the bottom of the unit housing. The free
passage of cooling air must be ensured. As stan-
dard screen skirts are delivered with the pump as
an protecting against leaves, papers etc.
A. Allowed pressures during installation.
B. Do not lift from this side.
Back fl ow valve
The pump is delivered standard with a back fl ow
relief valve. In multiple pump installations air will
not fl ow back through a non-operating pump.
Belt drive
The pump is belt driven. Drive ratio and motor size
determine the capacity of the pump.
If changes are to be made to performance charac-
teristic of the pump, this can be done by changing
the motor and drive ratio. Contact Dustcontrol
and you will recieve more information. Please see
addresses and phone numbers on the last page of
this document.
Thermal overload protection
For protection on the pump bearings the pump has
thermal protection which will shut down the pump
at 120
C. The thermal protection has to be con-
nected to the control panel.
TPR 50, 30 kW - 15
Part No 9050-A