Should you still hear pulsing sounds through the
stethoscope, continue to inflate until these sounds
stop, which indicates that the circulation is
13.) Open the valve very slightly with thumb and
forefinger and watch the slow decrease in
pressure on the manometer. The rate of deflation
between systole and diastole should be in the
range of 2 – 3 mmHg per second, ie there should
be an interval of ca. 20 – 25 seconds for the
pointer on the scale to move from 150 to 100.
– When you hear the first clear arterial
sound (knocking sound) through the
stethoscope you can read the systolic
(upper) blood pressure on the manometer
– When the arterial sound stops, you can
read the diastolic (lower) blood pressure.
14.) After you have taken your readings, open the
valve screw fully turning it to the left, to allow all
air to be released swiftly from the cuff.
If you want to repeat your measurement, allow
at least two minutes for your circulation to get
back to normal. If no further measurements are
required, remove the cuff.
Technical Data
Measurement range: 0 – 300 mmHg
Accuracy of Pressure shown: ± 3 mmHg
Storing conditions:
–30°C – 70°C, 15 – 85% rel. humidity
Operating conditions:
10°C – 40°C, 15 – 85% rel. humidity