Set the factory se ngs
A er uploading the code to your Arduino, there
is s ll one step required to make it fully opera-
onal and ready to communicate with GroLab
system: the factory se ngs need to be set
(serial number and communica on channel).
Make sure your Arduino is connected through
USB to the PC, and that the serial port is not
currently in use. Open the Arduino IDE and
select the respec ve serial port. Access the
'Serial Monitor' and set the baud rate to
230400. Send the 'R' command with the op on
'No line ending'. Wait a moment un l you see
RST printed in the 'Serial Monitor'. Reboot your
Arduino (power interrup on or reset bu on if
Open the 'Serial Monitor' again, then send the
'M' command with the op on 'No line ending'.
Then send the communica on channel that is
currently being used by your GroNode* with
the op on 'Both NL & CR'.
*There are 5 communica on channels (1 to 5), the default
channel is 5.
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