Your watch, which is a registered model, has
been created, developed and manufactured
according to the Mauboussin watchmakers
standards. Its authenticity number is
engraved on the back. This number appears
on your certificate of authenticity.
The Official check stamp of the Control of
Precious Metals figures where applicable and
certifies the quality of the noble metals used.
Your watch, acquired from a certified dealer,
is guaranteed against any defect or defective
workmanship for two years from the date of
purchase : with the exception of the impact on
the K1 glass, the bracelet replacement, the
battery replacement and the seal replacement.
We advise you to bring back your watch each
year in order to control its water- resistance.
Our guarantee is only valid if the certificate
of authenticity is signed, dated and
countersigned by our certified dealer at the
time of purchase.
This guarantee, under the reserve of
the exceptions mentioned above, is fully
comprehensive within the limits of normal
use except loss, theft and accidents, and
under condition that any repair shall be
carried out by one of our certified dealers.