not."NO"moving direction will not opposite /"YES"moving direction will
Y axis moving direction forward or reverse setting——
1) Press the "MODE", enter the menu to set up the Y axis moving directions
forward or reverse"4.InverT"
2) Press the "SETUP",Y axis moving direction forward or reverse setting
InverT1 : set up the directions for the first light whether forward moving or
InverT2 : set up the directions for the second light whether forward moving or
3) Press the "UP" or "DOWN", choose the Y axis direction is opposite turning or
not. "NO"moving direction will not opposite/"YES"moving direction will
DMX channel setting——
1) Press the "MODE",DMX channel setting menu"5. Channel"
2) Press the "SETUP", setting the DMX channel"Mode1"/"Mode2"
3) Press the "UP" or "DOWN" to choose the DMX channel."Mode1" 12
Working mode setting——
1) Press the "MODE", enter the menu to setting the DMX channels "6. Run"
2) Press the "SETUP", setting the DMX channel "Dmx"/"FOOT ""Slave"/
3) Press the "UP" or "DOWN" to choose the DMX channel.
Sensitive of the sound active mode settings——
1) Press the "MODE", enter the menu for the sensitive of the sound active mode
5. Channel
channels/"Mode2"14 channels. More details for the channel, please
check the form as below
6. Run
"Auto1-10"/" Sound"
"Dmx"——DMX working mode
"FOOT"——foot switch control mode
"Slave" ——slave mode
"Auto1-10" ——auto running mode , there are from 1-10 auto
running programs
" Sound" ——sound active mode