AC power cable:
Power consumption:
Ambient temperature/humidity
Operating temperature:
Operating humidity:
Storage temperature:
Storage humidity:
Mechanism reliability:
Print head life:
Auto-cutter reliability:
169 W × 330 D × 170 H (m)
Approx. 4.3 kg
Approx. 155 cm long
Max. 70 W Avg. 30 W (During continuous
printing of ASCII characters)
0°C to +50°C
10 % to 90 % RH (without condensation)
–20°C to +70°C
5 % to 95 % RH (at 40°C) without condensa-
5,000,000 lines MCBF (except head life and
auto cutter)
One hundred million characters
600,000 cut (MCBF) (SP347)
Overall dimensions (mm) (SP317)
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