MAKe Sure thAt the ASh iS cOMPLeteLy cOLD befOre eMPtying it intO A SuitAbLe cOntAiner.
rOutine MAintenAnce
In order to guarantee proper functioning and safety of the device, the operations indicated below must be performed every
season or more often when necessary.
DOOr, ASh DrAWer AnD burn POt gASKetS
The gaskets guarantee the tightness of the stove and its consequent good functioning.
These must be checked regularly: if they should be worn or damaged they must be replaced immediately.
These operations must be carried out by a qualified technician.
cOnnectiOn tO the fLue
Suck and clean the pipe that leads to the flue yearly or anytime that it is necessary. If there are horizontal tracts the residues must
be removed before they can obstruct flue passage.
ALWAyS fOLLOW the inStructiOnS in MAXiMuM SAfety cOnDitiOnS!
With the StOve fuLLy cOOLeD DOWn, SWitcheD Off AnD DiScOnnecteD frOM the MAinS eLectricity
fAiLure tO cLeAn JeOPArDiSeS SAfety!
fOr PrOPer OPerAtiOn, the StOve MuSt unDergO rOutine MAintenAnce by A quALifieD techniciAn,
At LeASt Once A yeAr.
| engLiSh