claim. Paints and similar substances on the sur-
face of the device and inside the casing/sensor
system of the smoke alarm device are consid-
ered contamination. In addition, adhesions such
deposits, which have led to the obvious dis-
coloration of the device, are also categorized
as a contamination, and lead to the loss of all
warranty claims. Especially nicotine and grease
condensate are not only deposited onto the
exterior surface of the device, but also onto
the surfaces of the optical sensor components
of the smoke alarm device. Particularly there,
the adhesion of condensates leads to the pre-
mature impairment of the optical properties
of the sensor components, which the smoke
alarm device can only compensate by means
of autonomous recalibration within the physi-
cal limits.
Moisture damage / corrosion:
If the smoke alarm device, and particularly its
electronics, is damaged by moisture of any
kind, it leads to the loss of all warranty claims.
but also the constant exposure of the device
to excessive air humidity (> 70%), because
exposure to excessive humidity (e.g. steam/
cooking vapor) drains the battery on the one
ity can damage the electronics of the smoke
alarm device by causing corrosion.
Thermal damage:
If the smoke alarm device is exposed to a tem-
constantly, it leads to the loss of all warranty
claims. In particular, no warranty is given for
devices that were exposed to high tempera-
the device resulting from frost/cold, are not
covered by the warranty, the same as heat