3.4 how to obtain accurate readings
The blood pressure is constantly changing throughout a day. The changes are caused by psychic and
physical factors, such as anxiety, exercise, smoking, caffeine and stress. Because it is changing, the
blood pressure should always be measured at the same time of day, when your body is relaxed. It is
the physician's responsibility to interpret the readings and analyze your physical condition. It is
important that you consult your physician regularly. He will tell you your normal blood pressure and
what you should take care of.
here are a few helpful tips to obtain accurate readings:
Wait one hour before measuring the blood pressure after a substantial meal.
Do not smoke or drink alcohol before measuring the blood pressure.
You should not do physical work one hour before taking a reading.
It is important that you relax. Try to take 15 minutes rest before the reading.
Do not take measurements if you are under stress or tension.
Take the blood pressure reading at normal body temperature, not when you feel cold or hot.
When the monitor is stored at very low temperature (near freezing), keep it at a warm place at least
for 1 hour before using it.
Wait about 5 minutes before making the next pressure measurement.
about blood pressure 3