– Wed = Wednesday
– Thu = Thursday
– Fri = Friday
– Sat = Saturday
6. In the "Edit" menu, navigate to "Alarm
tone" with the arrow key and press
the key. Here you can select an alarm
sound from the list or from a mini-SD
card (not included in the product con-
tents) using the arrow keys.
7. In the "Edit" menu, navigate to
"Snooze" with the arrow key. Here,
you can set the number of minutes un-
til the alarm resumes with the ar-
row keys after pressing the
(snooze) while the alarm sounds.
8. In the "Edit" menu, navigate to "Alert
type" with the arrow key. You can
select the alarm type here: "Vib. on-
ly"/"Vib. and ring"/"Ring only".
9. Confi rm your settings with the
("Fertig") and then press the
save the alarm profi le.
key to