Confi guring voicemail
1. Hold down the key1 for approximately
two seconds on the start screen.
2. Confi rm the request for the voicemail
number with the
3. Navigate down one input fi eld with the
arrow key, enter the number of your
voicemail (assigned by the mobile tele-
phoning provider) and confi rm the en-
try with the
Listening to voicemail
If you have confi gured your voicemail (see
section "Confi guring voicemail"), push
down the key 1 for a few seconds on the
start screen. You will be automatically con-
nected with your voicemail and can play
back the messages.
Deactivating voicemail
If you would like to deactivate your voice-
mail, follow the instructions of your mo-
bile telephoning provider or deactivate
call forwarding in your phone: