Aileron left
Revolutionary SAFE
(Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope)
technology uses an innovative combination of multi-axis
sensors and software that allows model aircraft to know
its position relative to the horizon. This spatial awareness
is utilized to create a controlled fl ight envelope the aircraft
can use to maintain a safe region of bank and pitch angles
so you can fl y more safely. Far beyond stability, this level of
protection offers multiple modes so the pilot can choose to
develop his or her skills with a greater degree of security and
fl ight control that always feels crisp and responsive.
Flight Modes
The Nano CPS RTF comes with the Blade MLP6DSM
transmitter. This transmitter has a fl ight mode switch that
lets the pilot change among the following fl ight modes.
Throttle Hold (switch position 0)
Throttle hold is used to turn off the helicopter motors if
the helicopter is out of control, in danger of crashing or
both. Activate throttle hold anytime the helicopter is in
danger to reduce the chance of damaging the helicopter
in a crash.
Stability Mode (switch position 1)
• Stability Mode is typically preferred by pilots with less
experience fl ying collective pitch helicopters.
• The helicopter will limit the bank angle, even with full
control input, and return the aircraft to a level fl ight attitude
when the controls are released.
• The yaw rate is slowed for ease of control.
• The Panic Recovery button returns the helicopter to upright,
level attitude.
• The throttle mode is normal.
Low throttle stick position = 0% throttle.
3D Mode (switch position 2 )
• 3D Mode is intended for pilots with experience with collec-
tive pitch helicopters.
• The model will NOT return to a level attitude position when
you release the controls.
• The helicopter has no bank angle limit.
• Both the cyclic and yaw controls are at fast, aerobatic rate.
• The Panic Recovery button returns the helicopter to a level
attitude, either upright or inverted, whichever is closer.
• The throttle mode is "Idle up." The motor remains at a
constant speed, regardless of the throttle stick position. The
throttle stick controls the pitch of the main rotor blades.
Rear View
SAFE technology delivers:
• Flight envelope protection you can enable at the fl ip of a
• Multiple modes let you adapt SAFE technology to your skill
level instantly.
Best of all, sophisticated SAFE technology doesn't require
any work to enjoy. Every aircraft with SAFE installed is
ready to use and optimized to offer the best possible fl ight
If you choose to use a computer radio, programmed as
shown in the Transmitter Setup Table section, the fl ight
mode switch gives the pilot the choice between the follow-
ing fl ight modes:
Stability Mode (switch position 0) as previously described.
Agility Mode (switch position 1)
• Agility Mode shares the same characteristics as 3D Mode
with a slightly lower head speed. This results in a softer,
less responsive feel.
3D Mode (switch position 2) as previously described.
Activate Throttle Hold with the Hold switch.
Aileron right
Rear View