and mucous membranes (respiratory and digestive tracts). Ammonia is used in industrial refrigeration applications.
It is also used as fertilizers (either as its salts), as a component in paints, for the production of plastics and poly-
mers, such as solvent or as household cleaners.
TS282EA-H model is as previous, but it uses a sensor suitable for industry and polluted environments and with
presence of other toxic gases.
TS282EC-S has a sensor that can detect Carbon monoxide (CO) gas which is a poisonous, colourless, odour-
less, and tasteless. CO is a little lighter than air (its density as to air is 0.97) and his LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) is
10.9%v/v (%volume). His TWA is 25 ppm (Time-Weighted Average) and STEL is 35 ppm (Short Term Exposure Limit).
CO is produced by incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels, including gas, oil, wood and coal. Carbon-based
fuels are safe to use. It is only when the fuel does not burn properly that excess CO is produced, which is poison-
ous. When CO enters the body, it prevents the blood from bringing oxygen to cells, tissues, and organs.
TS282EC-H model is as previous, but it uses a sensor suitable for industry and polluted environments and with
presence of other toxic gases.
TS282ES has a sensor that can detect Sulphur dioxide (SO
gas which is a toxic, colourless, with pungent odour, heavier than air (its density as to air is 2.25). His TWA (Time-
Weighted Average) is 2 ppm and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is 5 ppm. The SO
piratory system. Inhalation may cause pulmonary edema and prolonged exposure can lead to death and when it
combines with water forms H
TS282EH has a sensor that can detect Hydrogen sulphide (H
toxic, flammable, colourless, with a characteristic odour of rotten eggs, heavier than air (its density as to air is 1.19).
His TWA is 5ppm (Time-Weighted Average) and STEL is 10 ppm (Short Term Exposure Limit). His LEL (Lower Explosive Limit)
is 4% volume. The H
S smell is perceived at concentrations above 0.2 ppm, to low levels (50÷100 ppm) already
produces irritation to the eyes and throat, cough, fast breathing and training of fluid in the respiratory tract. This
gas, over 150 ppm, acts on the olfactory nerve, making it impossible for the perception of its odour, and higher
concentrations can cause unconsciousness within a few minutes and can lead to death.
TS282EHCN has a sensor that can detect Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (synonymous with Hydrocyanic acid, Prussic acid)
gas which is a toxic, extremely poisonous gas, colourless, with has an almond-like odour, a little lighter than air
(its density as to air is 0.94). His TWA (Time-Weighted Average) is 4.7 ppm and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is 10 ppm.
The HCN is a strong irritant to eyes and respiratory system. Inhalation may cause effects on the cellular respira-
tion, resulting in convulsions and unconsciousness. Exposure to 300ppm for 2 minutes may result in death.
TS282EN has a sensor that can detect Nitric oxide (NO) gas which is a toxic and colourless, heavy as air (its den-
sity as to air is 1.04). His TWA (Time-Weighted Average) and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) are 25 ppm. NO is a strong
oxidant and reacts with combustible and reducing materials. On contact with the air turns it into nitrogen dioxide
). Nitric oxide is irritating to eyes and respiratory tract. Inhalation can cause pulmonary edema, may also have
effects on the blood, causing the formation of methaemoglobin. In more severe cases it can lead to death. Nitric ox-
ide is a pollutant that is generated in part in combustion processes, in part by emissions from natural volcanic erup-
tions, fires or civil activities and industrial processes involving combustion, such as transport (vehicles with diesel en-
gine, gasoline, LPG, etc.) and the production of heat and electricity.
TS282EN2 has a sensor that can detect Nitrogen dioxide (NO
characteristic sharp, biting odour, heavier than air (its density has to air is 1.58). His TWA (Time-Weighted Average) is 3
ppm and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is 5 ppm. NO
is formed in most combustion processes using air as the oxidant. At elevated temperatures nitrogen combines
with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide. The most important sources of NO
plants, heating and vehicles, especially diesel engines). NO
lungs, pulmonary edema and death as it is capable of combining with the haemoglobin by changing the chemical
and physiological, forming methaemoglobin which is no longer able to carry oxygen to the tissues. Also, low con-
centrations (4 ppm) will anesthetize the nose.
TS282EHCL has a sensor that can detect Hydrogen chloride (HCL) (synonymous with Hydrogen chloride, muriatic acid)
which is normally a liquid, which releases a toxic gas, colourless with a pungent odour, heavier than air (its density
has to air is 1.3). His TWA (Time-Weighted Average) is 5 ppm and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is 10 ppm.
This gas, in aqueous solution becomes one of the most corrosive liquids. The vapours are corrosive to eyes, the
skin and the respiratory tract. Inhalation of high gas concentrations may cause pneumonitis and pulmonary edema.
TS282ECL has a sensor that can detect Chlorine (CL
odour, is extremely poisonous and heavier than air (its density has to air is 2.5). His TWA (Time-Weighted Average) is 0.5
ppm and STEL (Short Term Exposure Limit) is 1 ppm. This gas, in aqueous solution becomes a corrosive acid. The
vapours are corrosive to eyes, skin and the respiratory tract. Inhalation of the gas may cause pneumonitis and
pulmonary edema. Prolonged exposure can cause death.
The electrochemical sensor is temperature compensated, but is sensitive to extreme humidity variations. The cali-
bration is carried out with specific gas to be detected. Anyway, it can contemporaneously detect other gases that
should be present in the same environment as listed in
Preheating: when powered, the sensor needs a time of preliminary heating of about 60 seconds. During this peri-
od the yellow Led "FAULT" flashes. After this period, the yellow Led light off, the green Led "ON" illuminates to indi-
cate normal functioning. After this period the unit is able to detect gas even if it attains the optimum stability condi-
tions after about 4 hours continual functioning.
Normal operation: the green Led "ON" should be light on.
TECNOCONTROL S.r.l. - Via Miglioli, 47 20090 SEGRATE (MI) ITALY
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
S (Hydrogen sulphide).
is toxic by inhalation, it can cause irreversible damage to the
) (also Sulphurous anhydride, Sulphurous oxide, Sulphur oxide)
S) (synonymous with hydrogen sulphide) gas which is a
) gas which is a reddish-brown toxic gas with a
combined with water turns into nitric acid and nitric oxide.
are internal combustion engines (power
) which is a yellow-green gas that has a distinctive strong
tables 2 and
Tel. +39 02 26922890 - Fax +39 02 2133734
is a strong irritant to eyes and res-
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