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Viadrus AGURO Manuel page 89


Rules for placement
The consumer has to be put up on a firm basement with a corresponding capacity, preferably on a concrete or other inflammable plate. If the
existing set doesn't comply with this necessary condition, it is necessary to make sufficient measures to satisfy this requirement.
In case of installation to the floor from a combustible material, it is necessary to place the consumer on an insulating pad from an inflammable
material, which overlapped the ground plan of the consumer by 800 mm in the direction of radiation, 400 mm from remaining sides.
It is not allowed to put subjects from combustible materials on the consumer and on the distance less than the safety distance (see the following
table). In case of unknown stage of combustibility it is necessary to go from the distance for the stage E (F).
Tab. №. 2
Grade of reaction to fire
Grade of reaction
Examples of building materials and products included in the reaction of
to fire
A1 – incombustible Granite, sandstone, concrete, bricks, ceramic tiles, mortars, fireproof plasters,...
A2 – hardly
acumin, izumin, heraklit, lignos, boards and basalt felt, fibreglass boards,...
B – heavily
Beech and oak wood, hobrex boards, plywood, werzalit, umakart, sirkolit,...
C (D) – moderately
Pinewood, larch, whitewood, chipboard and cork boards, rubber flooring,...
E (F) – lightly
Asphaltboard, fibreboards, cellulose materials, polyurethane, polystyrene,
polyethylene, PVC,...
As the minimal distance from combustible or non-combustible
materials, you can follow the following values:
Combustible materials:
A > 800 mm
B > 200 mm
Non-combustible materials:
A > 400 mm
B > 100 mm
Safe distance of flue from combustible building constructions
Safe distance from a door frame paneling and similarly situated building constructions made of combustible materials and the installation of
pipelines, including its insulation is min. 20 cm. The distance from other parts of the constructions made of combustible materials is min. 40 cm
according to ČSN 06 1008/1997. These are building materials of flammability class B, C and E according to ČSN EN 13501-1/2010. This is also
valid for walls and, in particular, ceilings with plaster on flammable surfaces such as laths, reed fiber, etc.! If these distances cannot be complied
with, the fire danger must be prevented using building and technical measures, non-combustible siding, insulation and temperature-resistant
screens. See example below.
The distance may be reduced to a quarter, if the flue is sheathed at least with 2 cm thick non-flammable material (temperature-resistant
The producer has no responsibility for improperly built chimney or for insufficient spaces between the chimney and combustible constructions
etc. This is in full responsibility of the chimney supplier and the construction company by which the chimney has been built.
The same for the stove manufacturer who has no responsibility for the inconveniently resolved passage of the flue in the flammable wall or in
the ceiling.
Connecting appliances through walls
If the flues lead through the walls made of combustible building materials, or have flammable components, then it is necessary to make filling of
non-combustible materials with very low thermal conductivity (see ČSN 061008 Fire safety of heat installations) around the flues.
Fig. №. 5
Passage through a combustible wall
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
fire (extract from EN 13501-1+A1)
Fig. №. 4
Fig. №. 6
Minimum distance (mm)
perpendicular to
the radiating wall
Passage through a brick wall
Other directions



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