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ity in auto mode by pressing the hygrostat button (7) several times while
auto mode is active (the LED on the auto button on the unit is on). The
humidification output level (8) cannot be altered manually in auto mode.
As soon as the button for the output level (8) is pressed to change the
humidification output level, the auto mode is deactivated.
7. You can use Eva little to disperse fragrances in the room. Be extremely
sparing with fragrances because an excessive dosage can result in the
malfunctioning of, and damage to, the appliance. In order to use fra-
grances, briefly press and release the fragrance container (13) and pull it
out of the appliance. Let the fragrance drip directly onto the cotton pad
in the fragrance container. Add a maximum of 1–2 drops of fragrance
into the fragrance container! Push the container back again and press
and release it to lock it. Tip: in order to change the fragrance, remove
the cotton pad and clean the container with soap. Now you may insert
a new cotton pad (commercially available) and add drops of the desired
8. If the water level indicator (11) changes to red, the water must be re-
filled. Remove the water tank (2) and fill it with clean, cold tap water
up to the maximum mark. After replacing the water tank, the appliance
automatically resumes operation after a few seconds. The water tank
can also be refilled during operation.
9. If you find the lamps too bright (in a bedroom, for example), you may
reduce the light intensity by pressing the night mode key (14):
• Normal mode (default mode)
• Dimmed mode (push once)
• Lights-out mode (push twice)
• By pushing the dimmer button once more, you can go back into nor-
mal mode.
If there is no water in the appliance, the red water level symbol (11)
lights up in all modes. The red light cannot be dimmed.
Note: Should you see droplets (or other signs of dampness) on or around
the unit, this condensed water is from the humidifier. This means that the
air can no longer absorb the moisture from the humidifier. Please activate
the auto mode with a desired humidity of 45 %. Water droplets should then
stop forming.
Before each piece of maintenance and after every use, turn off the unit and
remove the plug from the plug socket. Before you clean Eva little, the power
adapter (1) must be separated from the power adapter connection.
Attention: Never submerge the appliance in water (danger of short-circuit).
• For external cleaning, rub with a damp cloth and then dry thoroughly.
• Clean at least 1x per month. The appliance must be off for at least 15
minutes prior to internal cleaning! Then remove the water tank (2), the
mist chamber (15), the Silver Cube (16) and the fragrance container (13).
Fill a cup with 200 ml of tap water mixed with descaling agent (mix ac-
cording to the manufacturer's instructions). Pour the liquid carefully into
the water tray (5) by holding the cup directly over the water tray (see page
5). Do not pour the liquid into the water tray from high above the tray! Be
sure that no liquid enters the air outlet opening (18). This will damage the
appliance and will void any claim to the warranty.