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VIGOUR individual 4.0 V4DS70 Instructions De Montage Et D'utilisation page 3


Afløbssystemet og spildevandstilslutninger kontrolleres for tæthed.
For at undgå hulrum skal afløbsenheden underfyldes og tætnes med
støbegulv over hele fladen til flangens øverste kant.
Tætningen foretages i henhold til de tekniske regler
overensstemmelse med DIN 18534. Ved anvendelse af alternative
tætninger skal man være opmærksom på producentens
Ved lægning af gulvfliserne skal flisefaldet (min. 2% pr. m1) i
bruseområdet altid skråne hen mod afløbet. Fliserne skal lægges
plant eller 1 mm højere mod fliserammens øverste kant. Hermed
sikres et godt dræn mod bruserenden. Henvisning: Ved brusekabiner
i gulvniveau med glasvægge kan andre krav vedrørende faldet være
gældende. I dette tilfælde skal man kontakte sin leverandør.
Efter fliselægningen skal overgangen mellem flisegulvet og afløbet
tætnes permanent med en elastisk fuge (vedligeholdelsesfuge).
Klæbefladerne skal være fri for mørtel, lim og andre
vedhæftningshindrende materialer.
Afløbet er kun beregnet til normalt husholdningsspildevand. Undgå
andre væsker så som rengøringsmidler, som kan beskadige det
sanitære udstyr, dræn og rør.
Ved anvendelse af afløbet på andre områder (f.eks. svømmehal),
hvor afløbet kan komme i forbindelse med aggressive
rengøringsmidler eller korrosionsfremmende stoffer som salt eller klor,
skal man kontakte sin leverandør.
Overholdelse af denne montagevejledning er en forudsætning for et
garantikrav på grundlag af vore salgs- og leveringsbetingelser.
Rengøring af bruseafløb skal ske med rengøringsmidler
uden slibemiddel, såvel som brugen af spidse eller slibende
rengøringsremedier frarådes.
Vandlåsen rengøres med jævne mellemrum efter behov.
Fliserengøringsmiddel indeholder ofte aggressive kemikalier, som
kan angribe rendens overflade. Vær opmærksom på, at afløbet skal
rengøres grundigt efter anvendelse af flise- og fugerengøringsmiddel.
Der tages forbehold for tryk- og skrivefejl. VIGOUR fraskriver sig ethvert ansvar for
skader, som måtte opstå som følge af anvendelse og/eller montage af bruserenden.
VIGOUR fraskriver sig ethvert ansvar a priori.
The shower drain should be installed by a qualified contractor, taking into
account the structural regulations. For best results, please carefully read
the installation guide. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact your supplier.
Prior to the start of the installation, please check the package
contents for completeness and integrity. Do not install the drain in
case of deviations. If this is the case, please contact your supplier.
Prior to the start of the installation, the installation guide and the
specific circumstances should be discussed with the tiler. After the
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
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installation, please give the installation guide to the tiler.
If using the shower drain in connection with several showers, please
check to make sure that the draining capacity of the shower drain is
sufficient. Consult with your supplier as necessary.
If you are not using the second drain level (secondary drainage), the
joint between the shower drain and the frame should be sealed with
a permanent jointing compound.
We recommend covering up the drain opening of the shower drain
prior to the installation to prevent soiling the outlet pipe. To prevent
damaging the tiled frame, it should be kept in the packaging until the
final installation by the tiler.
Assemble the mounting block and align it horizontally in all directions.
Bonding with Flex tile adhesive (manufacturer's instructions must be
observed) Or fix with screws.
Install the wastewater system in compliance with the standards.
Note: Please observe the aeration and ventilation as well as the
adequate gradient of the wastewater system.
Check the shower drain system and the wastewater connections for
Underlay and seal the drain completely with screeding so it is level
with the upper edge to prevent any hollow spaces.
Perform the sealing according to the standard engineering practice
set forth in DIN 18534. If using alternative sealing materials, please
read the manufacturer's respective product information.
When laying the floor tiles, the tile gradient (min. 1,5 – 2 % per m
the shower area must always be directed toward the shower drain.
Lay the tiles at equal height or 1 mm higher than the upper edge of
the tiled frame to ensure proper draining toward the shower drain.
Note: Other requirements with respect to the gradient may apply to
floor-level showers with glass walls. Please consult with your supplier
in this respect.
After laying the tiles, permanently seal the joint between the tile floor
and the shower drain with a flexible joint (maintenance joint). The
glued surfaces must be free of mortar, adhesives and other materials
reducing the adhesive strength.
The shower drain system is only suitable for wastewater common in
households. Avoid using other fluids, such as cleaning agents which
may damage sanitary fixtures, drainage objects and raw materials.
If the shower drain is used in other areas (e.g. swimming pool) where
the drain comes into contact with aggressive cleaning agents or
corrosion-promoting substances such as salt or chlorine, please
consult with your supplier.
Compliance with this installation guide is the pre-requisite for
warranty claims based on our general conditions of sale and delivery.
Clean the shower drain without scouring cleaner and avoid using any
pointy or abrasive objects.
Regularly remove any dirt from the hair sieve.
Tile cleaners often contain aggressive chemicals. They can damage
the surface of the drain. Please be sure to rinse the drain thoroughly
after using tile and joint cleaners.
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