e. Maintenance
1. Cleaning
Warning and precau�on
1) Clean the product as indicated before first and every use. Use the cleaning methods as indicated
in these instruc�ons. Other cleaning methods may prevent proper steriliza�on of the product.
2) Prior to cleaning, separate all detachable components.
Manual cleaning method
1) Rinse soiled device under running cold tap water for at least (2) minutes. Remove gross
soil using a sponge, so� lint-free cloth or so�-bristled brush. For cannula�ons of the
handpiece and a�achments, the cleaning brush should be used.
2) Manipulate all moving parts under running tap water to loosen and remove gross debris.
3) Sp ray and wipe the device using a neutral pH enzyma�c solu�on for a minimum of
(2) minu tes. Follow the enzyma�c detergent manu factu rer's direc�ons for correct
temperature, water quality (i.e., pH, hardness) and concentra�on/dilu�on.
4) Clean the device manually under running warm water using an enzyma�c cleaner or
detergent for a minimum of (5) minutes. Manipul ate all moving parts under runnin g
water. Use a so�-bristled brush and/or so� lint-free cloth to remove all visible soil and
debris. Follow the enzyma�c cleaner or detergent manufacturer's instruc�ons for use
for correct temperature, water quality and concentra�on/dilu�on.
5) Rinse the device thoroughly using cool to lukewarm running water for a minimum of (2)
minutes. Use a syringe or pipe�e to flush lumens and channels. Actuate joints, handles
and other movable device features in order to rinse thoroughly under running water.
6) If visible contamina�on has been remained, repeat steps 1–5. If visible contamina�on
has been removed, final rinse for (2) minutes.
7) Final rinse with de-ionized or purified water for a minimum of (2) minutes.
8) Dry device using a clean, so� lint-free cloth or clean compressed air.
Cau�on: If damage or corrosion is found on the product during cleaning, contact your sales
representa�ve for service.
2. Steriliza�on
Warning and precau�on
1) Using a disinfectant to wipe the exterior does not help steriliza�on and is not recommended.
2) Always separate components from the product before steriliza�on.
3) Recommended minimum drying �me must be permi�ed whenever a�achment are
sterilized. Failure to do so may reduce performance of the product and induce early failure.
Steriliza�on method
1) Sterilize according to the recommended method described in the table below.
<Method of steam steriliza�on>
Steriliza�on Method Steriliza�on Temperature Minimum Exposure Time
Steam steriliza�on is a safe and effec�ve method, and there are no restric�ons in sterilizing
the product.
E. Precau�ons for Use
a. Restric�ons
There are no known restric�ons.
b. Warning
1. Protec�ve glasses are recommended when using the product.
2. The medical staff is responsible to have thorough understanding on the method of
using the product and accessories connected to it prior to using the product.
3. Since the a�achment is provided as unsterilized, it must be cleaned and sterilized
before use.
4. Do not collide other instruments(e.g., retractor etc.) and its moving part during use. It can
be injuring the user.
Minimum Drying Time
4 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes