– All work that requires specific technical skills or abilities (installation, power connections,
etc.) must only be performed by authorised personnel with recognised experience in the
specific field.
– Do not use the appliance with broken or inefficient power wires. When a defect is found,
immediately stop the appliance in safety conditions and have authorised and qualified
personnel replace wires.
Before cleaning, maintenance, etc., TURN OFF THE POWER (or unplug the power
cord) and make sure the processing area is fully cooled.
– Clean the appliance after every use or when reasonably needed, also according to the
type of food product processed.
– Accurately clean all appliance parts (including surrounding areas) that can come into di-
rect or indirect contact with food products to avoid the risk of contamination and maintain
– Only clean the appliance with food safe detergents. Never use corrosive and flammable
cleaning products or products that may contain and/or emit harmful substances.
– Clean and disinfect the appliance wearing personal safety devices especially when de-
tergents are used.
– Do not clean the appliance under running water to avoid damaging parts, especially
electric and electronic parts.
– In the event of prolonged appliance disuse, clean and thoroughly dry all its parts (inter-
nal and external). Unplug the power cord and make sure the room conditions are suited
to preserve the appliance in time.
Conditions necessary for correct electrical equipment operations are listed according to the
surrounding environment.
– Room temperature not under 5°C.
– Relative humidity between 50% (at 40°C) and 90% (at 20°C).
– The room must be free of areas with gas concentrations and potentially explosive pow-
ders and/or fire hazards.
– The activity may affect the environment and, for this reason, take air emissions, liquid
discharges and ground contamination, the use of raw materials, natural resources and
waste disposal into account.
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